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E-Mail Chrono

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E-Mail Chrono

Occasionally, district administrators, as a group, will receive high priority or time sensitive e‑mails from State Superintendent Jill Underly or Deputy State Superintendent John Johnson. This page contains a chronological listing of those e-mails and attachments, if any.

COVID-19 Updates and Resources - March 13, 2020

Colleagues, The Wisconsin Department of Health Services’ Secretary-Designee Andrea Palm, under the direction of Governor Tony Evers, issued an order...

Confirming Updates to WISEdash Public and Release of Final Joint Federal Notifications

Today, the WISEdash Public Portal has been updated with certified data from both the 2018-19 and 2019-20 school years. Additionally, joint federal...

COVID-19 - Updates and Resources - March 10, 2020

Dear District Administrators, The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) continues to work closely with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services...

Coming Next Week: Updates to WISEdash Public and Joint Federal Notifications

Dear Colleagues, Next week, on Tuesday, March 10, the WISEdash Public Portal will be updated with certified data from both the 2018-19 and 2019-20...

Coronavirus Resources and Updates

Dear Colleagues, Given the recent news that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is recommending Americans prepare for the likely spread of the...

Education for Homeless Children and Youth Grant Opportunity

Dear District Administrators, Independent Charter School Administrators, Cooperative Educational Service Agency Administrators, and Local Educational...

Administrative Rules Hearing - PI 34 (Educator Licenses)

Dear District Administrators, Please see the following Administrative Rules Hearing notice: Administrative Rules Hearing – PI 34 (Educator Licenses...

Administrative Rules Hearing - PI 34 (Educator Licenses)

Dear District Administrators, Please see the following Administrative Rules Hearing notice: Administrative Rules Hearing – PI 34 (Educator Licenses...

Drafts of Wisconsin Academic Standards under Revision

Dear District Administrators and CESA Administrators, The State Superintendent has developed and used a transparent and inclusive process to review...

Instructional Materials Survey RESULTS

Dear District Administrators, We are pleased to share with you the results of the new data collection done this fall regarding the instructional...