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E-Mail Chrono

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E-Mail Chrono

Occasionally, district administrators, as a group, will receive high priority or time sensitive e‑mails from State Superintendent Jill Underly or Deputy State Superintendent John Johnson. This page contains a chronological listing of those e-mails and attachments, if any.

WISEstaff Preliminary Certification Due March 21

  Dear District Administrators, The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) appreciates how much work you have already put into preparing your staff...

Making Up Instructional Minutes for Inclement Weather

  Dear District Administrators and Independent Charter School Leaders, CORRECTION 03/10/2023: Independent charter schools (and all charter schools...

Spring 2023 Statewide Assessments

Dear District Administrator, Test windows for the Wisconsin Student Assessment System will open soon. These assessments are required by state and...

ESSER Budget Resource

Dear District Administrator, I want to share a resource the department developed to help you and your partners communicate about federal COVID...

Get Kids Ahead Funding

  Dear District Administrators, I hope this beginning of 2023 finds you well. Last year, Governor Evers and State Superintendent Underly...

Preliminary Joint Federal Notification Packets - available in SAFE

  Dear District Administrator, Preliminary joint federal notification packets are available today in Secure Access File Exchange (SAFE). Packets...

Registration for the 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) is Now Open

  Dear District Administrators, Registration for the 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) is now open! Schools with students in any grades...

Offering Support after Colorado Springs

  Dear District Administrators, Today, Dr. Underly sent the below statement to department staff to address the Colorado Springs tragedy. I know...

One Percent Participation Threshold Notifications

  Dear District Administrators, LEAs who exceeded the one percent participation threshold in any subject during the Spring 2022 assessment...

Updated final secure report cards available in SAFE; Public release on 11/15/2022

  Dear District and Choice Administrators, In preparation for Tuesday’s (November 15) public release of final School and District Report Cards...