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WISEdata Roster: New and Updated College and Career Readiness Reporting

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Dear Colleagues:

As we look to the coming school year, I want to draw your attention to the importance of new and updated college and career readiness reporting that will be required for your district in the 2018-19 school year. The WISEdata Roster data collection brings significant changes this school year regarding what and how we collect and report course-level information. This includes important implications vis-a-vis college and career ready (CCR) data collection and reporting.

What’s New: Starting with the 2018-19 school year, the WISEdata Roster collection will be expanded to include CTEERS reporting (previously collected through manual spreadsheets) as well as college and career readiness data (some of which satisfy CTEERS requirements, all of which are required by Wisconsin Act 59).

Why It Matters: Importantly, the data submitted through Roster will be publicly reported in new and different ways. Notably, Accountability Report Cards will include both CTEERS and the CCR data. These data are required by state law for all districts with relevant grades.

What You Should Do: I urge districts to assemble a Roster team with an identified Roster Lead. The Team should learn how to collect and enter CTEERS and CCR data into your student information system. Further, connect with DPI for up-to-date information, training materials, and Roster collection support (as well as other WISEdata collections). Visit the Roster landing page to access and review a variety of resources and helpful information on the Roster collection. This Career Education webpage for Roster is particularly relevant. You may also submit a Help Ticket at any time for any WISEdata questions.

The attached document (Roster handout) has more information about WISEdata Roster and steps districts should take to be ready for a successful transition to the new requirements.

As you know, preparing all of our students to be successful after high school is our ultimate goal. Public reporting of local progress toward that goal is a high priority for the state. This will include reports using Roster data in the WISEdash Public Portal and reporting via our state Accountability Report Cards. These reports can quickly become high-profile for schools, districts, and the state. I encourage you to relay this message to your team and let us know how we can assist with a smooth Roster collection.