Event Date
Event Description
The ACT for grade 11 is a part of the Wisconsin Student Assessment System. The ACT tests include: reading, math, English, science, writing. The ACT is an in-person assessment that districts can administer on paper or online. All grade 11 students are administered the ACT except for the 1% of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who are assessed with the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM), Wisconsin's Alternate Assessment.
March 7 The ACT with writing Grade 11 Test Window 1 – Paper Administration
March 7-10 & 13-17 The ACT with writing Grade 11 for Students Testing with Accommodations Test Window 1 – Paper Administration
March 7-9 & 14-16 The ACT with writing Grade 11 Test Window 1 – Online Administration/Online Accommodations
Dates for ACT Testing Windows 2 and 3 are available on the ACT Calendar Webpage. More information about the ACT is available on the DPI ACT website.
Nikki Braconier
Office of Student Assessment
(608) 266-1075