While gifted education is not explicitly named in the six education standards below, consideration should be given to high-ability, high-potential students for each of them.
Standard (b) - Staff Development
Staff development plans should include information to develop awareness and understanding of the needs of gifted and talented pupils as well as materials, resources, and appropriate strategies for use with gifted and talented children and youth in the classroom.
Standard (e) - Guidance and Counseling Services
Providing guidance and counseling services to gifted and talented students - critically important to overall program success.
Standard (k) - Curriculum
District curriculum plans should include objectives, content, and resources which challenge the most able and most talented children in any classroom.
Standard (n) - Children at Risk
Many gifted children are at risk and need special attention, counsel, and support to help them realize their potential.
Standard (p) - High School Graduation Standards
Pupils identified as gifted or talented may require special accommodations in programming which is outside the normal sequence of a course(s) or the standard requirements for graduation.
Standard (s) - Achievement Tests
Data derived from a testing program may be used as part of multiple-criteria identification processes.