The Title I-D application is online. The Wisconsin Department of Corrections (DOC) Title I-D administration will complete the application through the WISEgrants web portal here:
Institution-wide Projects allow approved sites to serve all students and upgrade the entire education and transition efforts of juvenile programs served under the DOC. Juvenile programs under the DOC are encouraged to explore and determine if an Institution-Wide Project would be helpful for their site. Institution - Wide Project Application PI-7507
Program Evaluation and Data Collection
- Program Data Collection Guidelines (Title I-D, Subpart 1 End of Year Report (EOY) Technical Assistance): Title I-D Subpart 1 programs must submit data collected on the services provided and outcomes achieved as a result of implementing their program. This guide can help walk a Title I-D program through what data is required and some frequently asked questions.
- 2023-24 Title I-D, Subpart 1 Annual Count Packet. State Agency providing regular programs of instruction to students 20 or younger for at least 15 hours (in adult correctional facilities) or 20 hours (in juvenile correctional facilities) per week must submit a count of eligible students to determine their Title I-D allocation for the next fiscal year. The Annual Count Packet provides information for a facility or State Agency to complete the Annual Count for 2020.
- Evaluation Tool and Evaluation Guidelines Each State Agency that implement a Title I-D program must evaluate the program on disaggregated data and no less than once every three years. The State Agency must use the results of the evaluation to plan and improve their Title I-D program. The Title I-D Evaluation Guidelines provides information on the base requirements of the evaluation and recommended best practices that align with DPI’s Continuous Improvement Process. The Title I-D Evaluation Tool is an optional resource to assist in the required evaluation. The State Agency may use any evaluation process as long as the requirements outlined in the Title I-D Evaluation Guidelines are met.
Monitoring Guidance
Each institution and the State Agency administration implementing a Title I-D Subpart 1 program will be monitored on the requirements of the Title I-D program. The Title I-D Monitoring Guidance outlines the program requirements and provides questions to help prepare for monitoring.