DPI Media Line, (608) 266-3559MADISON — The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction will hold a preliminary public hearing and comment period to consider promulgation of administrative rules on a proposed permanent rule related to calculation of aid under the achievement gap reduction program.
The proposed permanent rule, SS 105-21, seeks to make updates to Wis. Admin. Code Ch. PI 24 with respect to the calculation and payment of aid under the achievement gap reduction (AGR) program. The proposed rule provides that school districts participating in the AGR program shall use prior year enrollment data to calculate the number of low-income pupils enrolled in a grade eligible for funding under the AGR program in the eligible school. The proposed rule would also provide school districts with the flexibility to use current year enrollment data in the event of unforeseen or unusual circumstances affecting school enrollment, which may include school closures or school consolidations.
Pursuant to Wis. Stat. 227.135(1), a statement of scope is prepared in advance of any rule that an agency plans to promulgate. A preliminary public hearing and comment period on a statement of scope does not relieve the agency of its obligation to hold an agency hearing on proposed rules after proposed rules are available for review. When a proposed rule is available for review, the department will conduct additional public hearings on the proposed rule.
The DPI will hold the public hearing by teleconference only. Additional information on attending is provided below. Written comments received no later than the date of the hearing will be given the same consideration as testimony presented at the hearing.
A copy of the proposed rule is available on the department's Administrative Rules webpage or the Wisconsin Legislature’s rules webpage. Written comments may be submitted in lieu of testimony online via the legislature’s webpage for submitting public comment. Questions or additional testimony may be sent by email to the department’s administrative rules coordinator.
WHAT: Administrative rules hearing
WHEN: 2 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 6, 2021
WHERE: Conference call only; Phone number: 608-620-9781; Conference ID: 853 352 01#