Monday, October 25, 2021
DPI Media Line, (608) 266-3559MADISON — The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction will hold preliminary public hearing and comment period on a proposed permanent rule related to educator preparation program and licensing flexibilities.
The proposed permanent rule, Clearing House Rule 21-077, amends Wis. Admin. Code Ch. PI 34 to provide educator preparation programs the latitude to address student teaching requirements in the clinical programs they offer. The proposed rule provides that a teacher candidate’s pre-student teaching requirements may be completed in a variety of settings related to effective instruction, safe and supported students, family and community engagement, or building meaningful relationships with students in prekindergarten through grade 12. The proposed rule also provides that a teacher candidate’s student teaching may also occur in alignment with the cooperating school’s current plan for teaching and learning, which may include face-to-face, virtual, hybrid, synchronous, or asynchronous settings, and shall be for full school days for a full semester in the cooperating school or its equivalent as approved by the state superintendent. Finally, the proposed rule creates flexibility by allowing cooperating teachers, who would otherwise not meet current rule experience requirements, to be assigned if they have been recommended by their principal and deemed acceptable by the approved program.
The DPI will hold the public hearing by teleconference only. Additional information on attending is provided below. Written comments received no later than the date of the hearing will be given the same consideration as testimony presented at the hearing.
A copy of the proposed rule is available on the department's Administrative Rules webpage or the Wisconsin Legislature Rules site. Written comments may be submitted in lieu of testimony online via the legislature’s webpage for submitting public comment. Questions or additional testimony may be sent by email to the department’s administrative rules coordinator.
WHAT: Administrative rules hearing
WHEN: 1:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 1, 2021
WHERE: Conference call only; Phone number: 608-620-9781; Conference ID: 561 852 148#