Kyle Peaden (608-266-5404) and Julie Majerus (608-267-1281) are reachable by phone or email to assist with any questions or concerns. Thank you for all of your work in supporting students living in out-of-home care during this difficult time. There are multiple resources below, please reach out if we can assist in helping you find further tools or guidance.
Educational Stability During School Closures
Please remember: if a student is placed in a foster home or other out-of-home care setting or has a change of placement during school closures, then a Best Interest Determination (BID) must be conducted to determine whether the student should enroll in the new school of residence. School closures due to COVID-19 might present unique factors not previously considered during a BID, such as the possibility that continued enrollment in the school of origin might be made easier if instruction is being provided virtually. It is recommended that the schools and child welfare agency conduct a BID upon the child’s placement into out-of-home care, and then review the BID for reconsideration once schools open again. This unprecedented situation presents a constantly changing dynamic, so changes in circumstances should be considered when making educational decisions for a student.
If, after a Best Interest Determination, it is determined the student should attend the new school of residence, then efforts should be made to ensure a smooth transition to the new school, whether this means helping the student transition to virtual instruction, or preparing the student for attending class once school resumes. More general information on the BID and school transitions can be found below.
Further Considerations for Educators and Child Welfare Staff Supporting Students in Out-of-Home Care
- If you haven’t already, this is a good time for District Foster Care Points of Contact and Child Welfare Education Points of Contact to reconnect to identify needs, find resources, and develop strategies on how best to support students. It is important to keep the lines of communication open as situations change. Your local contacts can be found here.
- School districts are finding ways to deliver meals to students even while schools are closed. Child welfare agencies and out-of-home care providers should check with the student’s local district to learn how to best connect students with meals.
- Remember the child’s perspective when adhering to safer at home orders, which can be especially difficult for teens and youth. Some resources have been developed to help youth understand the importance of health guidelines, and further below you will find resources for talking to children during times of crisis.
- A short video with “Tim and Moby” explaining what the coronavirus is and how to prevent its spread.
- A mini comic book from NPR answering kids questions about the coronavirus.
- A zombie comic book from the CDC explaining emergency preparedness.
Learning During Extended School Closures: Resources for Students and their Foster Families, Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers
Maintaining connection with your student’s school will help to support a sense of stability, and continued academic progress. If you are looking for a stronger connection with your student’s school, please reach out and let them know your needs. The first step might be connecting through email or phone with a teacher. The school district website might also provide access to online resources or recommended out-of-school instruction provided by the district. If you can’t find contact information for your student’s teacher on the school’s website or otherwise, you can always reach out to the school principal or to your district’s Foster Care Point of Contact.
During times of stress it is important to focus on basic needs first. Take the time to ensure your family and student(s) are healthy and well. Look to the trauma-informed supports further below and reach out to your school counselor, child welfare advocate, or mental health professional for additional support. The following resources provide tools for supporting learning at home.
- Learning can happen anywhere! Here are two great infographics with ideas on how to create a space for learning, and how to tie daily activities to academics:
- DPI considerations and recommendations for Learning during Extended School Closure: English Language Arts, Literacy, and Mathematics is primarily aimed at educators but offers resources and perspectives for learning at home that can be useful for child welfare advocates, families, and other stakeholders supporting students placed in out-of-home care.
- In partnership with DPI, PBS Wisconsin currently offers all-day programming for learning at home, as well as other resources for educators, parents, and caregivers.
Trauma-Informed Support
Remember that it is especially hard for children to be away from their homes during this time, and to consider additional support needed for those students. The added instability during the pandemic is imposing limitations on the child welfare system. This might mean limited visits between parents or siblings in different households in order to adhere to health guidelines, or less placement options available for children in need of a safe home. Below are some resources for trauma-informed considerations and supporting the emotional well-being of all students:
- How to Help: Tips and Resources for Foster Parents and Children During the COVID-19 Outbreak This site includes links to resources for helping children cope, supporting family visits, addressing equity, as well as educational resources for foster parents to support their kids’ learning.
- Guide for COVID-19 Response for Students Who are Homeless or With Experience in Foster Care from the Juvenile Law Center, The Hope Center, and SchoolHouse Connection This guide provides ideas for supporting youth with check-ins and resource connections.
- Tips for Parents and Caregivers on Media Coverage of Traumatic Events This tip sheet from the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress provides caregivers concrete suggestions for how they can support children in understanding and productively responding to media coverage.
- DPI’s Student Services/Prevention and Wellness Team has compiled a comprehensive list of mental health resources in specific topic areas, including resources for parents and caregivers, and resources focused on positive parenting and safe home environments.
- Supporting Emotional Health During School Closures from Teaching Tolerance This article is written by an instructional coach reminds educators to prioritize the well-being of their students and themselves and provides ideas for how to do so.
- Speaking up Against Racism and the Coronavirus from Teaching Tolerance This article discusses what students are hearing in the media, the historical context, and ideas for interrupting bias.
- Mental Health And COVID-19 from Mental Health America (MHA) To aid individuals and communities during this time, MHA has compiled a vast range of links with resources and information to support mental wellness.
Additional Resources
- Responding to COVID-19 Online Training from Foster Club This brief online training is open to everyone and covers the basics of COVID-19, provides suggestions on how to support young people, and provides resources to address common issues for youth in foster care during this crisis.
- Supplies Request Form This form is for foster parents and residential settings in need of supplies.
- Offers for Services and Resources for Schools during COVID-19 This DPI page includes a list of internet and other communications service providers offering free or reduced price services during school closures.
- The DPI web page with information on COVID-19 includes multiple resources and extensive information related to school closures and COVID-19 for school administrators and the public.
- The Department of Children and Families has up-to-date information related to COVID-19 and child welfare.