How to Verify a GED/HSED Credential

This service is ONLY for employers, colleges, and universities who only need an education verification or request a certified transcript or diploma of a candidate that has earned a GED or HSED from Wisconsin. Education verification currently can be request at no cost and contain only the date of issuance, test center, and credential type. If certified test scores, transcripts, or credentials is required, the cost is $15 per credential type and can also be requested by using the official secure form. Requests from third-parties for education verifications and credentials is REQUIRED to use this process. Here are the key steps:
Follow this link Third Party Credential Verification to request an education verification, note the request must come from an official business email.
Be prepared to have the following information prior to submission:
- Candidate's name (or names) at time of testing.
- Candidate's full date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
- Last four digits of the candidate's social security number (due to policy changes, full social security numbers will no longer be accepted)
- Approximate (or actual) year when tests were taken (if known)
- Location of testing (if known)
- A signed release from the candidate
We will email back the following confirmation depending on the information provided:
- Record that a GED or HSED was issued and the date
- Confirmation that we have no record given the information provided
- An indication that the candidate must contact our office to clear up discrepancies
Every attempt will be made to complete verification requests within 20 business days. We DO NOT accept education verifications via phone, email, or fax.