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Federal Charter School Grants - Wisconsin Charter Schools Program

DPI awards $11.4 million in federal funding to Wisconsin Charter schools - Cohort 1 SE23 

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction announced it approved 12 federal subgrant awards totaling $11.4 million for the purpose of planning, opening, or expanding charter schools in Wisconsin. This is the first round of funding under a standard subgrant competition from a U.S. Department of Education grant program awarded to Wisconsin to support charter school activities. The program provides awards for three purposes: planning and implementation subgrants for charter schools opening in fall 2025, implementation subgrants for charter schools that recently opened or will open in 2024, and subgrants to aid the expansion of existing high-quality charter schools. The state's program prioritizes quality schools serving educationally disadvantaged students. The program also focuses on improving authorizer quality. High-quality charter schools must:

  • Show evidence of strong academic results, including student academic achievement and growth
  • Operate in a fiscally appropriate manner, meeting statutory/regulatory requirements; and
  • Demonstrate success in significantly increasing student academic achievement, including graduation rates for all students.

The application period for the second round of competitive charter school subgrants for the 202425 school year opens this fall. A list of charter school subgrantees can be found here: 

Subgrant Application Materials and Information

Subgrants are available for eligible applicants to:

  1. Open and prepare for the operation of new charter schools;
  2. Open and prepare for the operation of replicated high-quality charter schools; and
  3. Expand high-quality charter schools

(2025 competition materials expected on this website mid-November. 2025 competition materials and deadlines will be similar to 2024 competition)

*Replication and Expansion Grant Applicants Only

Related Application Materials:

Grant Information Workshops

  • Come learn about the upcoming charter schools grant competition including available funds, grant priorities, application requirements, and more. Every school year a competition is run, DPI staff will be available to answer technical questions during this time but cannot assist with actual grant writing.

  • 2023-24 Workshop Dates 
  • Registration was free. Click here to view the final for a session. Here is a link to the slideshow.

Wisconsin awarded $58M charter school grant - FY23 UPDATE

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction announced it was awarded $58 million from the U.S. Department of Education to support the Wisconsin Charter School Program.The five-year federal grant will help the WCSP implement a statewide strategy that strengthens public charter school authorizing, supports the development of high-quality charter schools and the replication and expansion of successful high-quality charter schools, and promotes statewide collaboration and sharing of best practices. The funding is Wisconsin’s seventh federal grant aimed at supporting public charter school development.  WCSP sub-grants are paid to sub-grantee charter governing boards on a reimbursement basis for allowable costs.

In addition to helping support up to 42 new, expanded, and replicated public charter schools, the grant allows up to 40 existing public charter schools to complete activities funded by the state’s previous WCSP grant. During the 2022-23 school year, Wisconsin had 239 public charter schools enrolling nearly 50,000 students.

Additional information on the program and on upcoming subgrant competitions will be posted below as DPI receives approval from USDE. Interested applicants will have a deadline of mid-February to submit an application, with subgrant award announcements tentatively scheduled for June 2024. Questions related to the WCSP can be directed to A link to official release can be found here


The Objectives of the Wisconsin Charter Schools Program are to:

  • Support the growth of high-quality charter schools in Wisconsin, especially those focused on improving academic outcomes for educationally disadvantaged secondary students
  • Strengthen and improve authorizing quality and promote the adoption of best practices for all authorizers in Wisconsin
  • Promote and support collaboration and sharing of best practices between high-quality charter schools and other schools in the state, especially those that experience difficulty in adequately serving educationally disadvantaged students

Become a Peer Reviewer

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View more information about the peer review process.

Wisconsin Charter Schools Program Grant Updates Distribution List

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Monitoring Materials:



For questions about this information, contact Michael McCabe (608) 264-9333