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Federal Charter School Grants - Wisconsin Charter Schools Program

The Objectives of the Wisconsin Charter Schools Program are to:

  • Support the growth of high-quality charter schools in Wisconsin, especially those focused on improving academic outcomes for educationally disadvantaged secondary students.
  • Strengthen and improve authorizing quality and promote the adoption of best practices for all authorizers in Wisconsin.
  • Promote and support collaboration and sharing of best practices between high-quality charter schools and other schools in the state, especially those that experience difficulty in adequately serving educationally disadvantaged students.

In 2023, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction was awarded a $58 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to support the Wisconsin Charter Schools Program (WCSP).The five-year federal grant will help the WCSP implement a statewide strategy that strengthens public charter school authorizing, supports the development of high-quality charter schools and the replication and expansion of high-quality charter schools, and promotes statewide collaboration and sharing of best practices. WCSP subgrant funds are paid to subgrantees on a reimbursement basis for allowable costs.

Additional information on the program and on the upcoming subgrant competition is posted below.

Subgrant Application Materials and Information

  • Subgrants are available for eligible applicants to:

    • Open and prepare for the operation of new charter schools;
    • Open and prepare for the operation of replicated high-quality charter schools; and
    • Expand high-quality charter schools

The 2025 deadline is 4:30pm on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. All materials must be submitted to

Charter School Grant Appendices:

*Replication and Expansion Grant Applicants Only

Related Application Materials:

Grant Information Workshops

  • Come learn about the upcoming WCSP subgrant competition including available funds, grant priorities, application requirements, and more. Every school year a competition is run, DPI staff will be available to answer technical questions during this time. DPI staff cannot assist with actual grant writing.

  • 2025 Workshop Dates 

Become a Peer Reviewer

If you are interested in becoming a peer reviewer, complete the Peer Reviewer Interest Survey.  View more information about the peer review process.

Wisconsin Charter Schools Program Grant Updates Distribution List

Click to be added to our distribution list to receive grant information updates.


Monitoring Materials:

For questions about this information, contact Michael McCabe (608) 264-9333