Recurring Exemptions
Recurring exemptions are added to the district's revenue limit in the current year and remain in the district's base revenue in subsequent school years. The following are allowable recurring exemptions:
Line 8A. Prior Year Carryover. §121.91(4)(d) Wis. Stats.
A school district is not required to levy the maximum property tax amount allowed under its revenue limit. If a district does not levy the maximum amount allowed in a given school year, the district's revenue limit in the following year is increased by an amount equal to the underlevy in the prior year (this adjustment is reduced by the amount of any nonrecurring revenue limit authority levied from the prior year).
Line 8B. Transfer of Service. §121.91(4)(a)3 Wis. Stats.
The Transfer of Service exemption provides that a school district which assumes responsibility for a program or service from another governmental unit may request and be granted an exemption to the district revenue limit equal to the increased cost due to that program or service.
Line 8C. Transfer of Territory/Other Reorg. §121.91(4)(b) Wis. Stats.
Districts that increase or decrease territory by a boundary change, under certain circumstances, may increase or decrease their revenue limit by the cost of services provided in the attached/detached territory.
Line 8D. Federal Impact Aid Loss. §121.91(4)(e) Wis. Stats.
Districts that received less Federal Impact Aid in the prior year than was received in the second prior year are granted a current year exemption for the amount of the aid reduction.
Line 8E. Recurring Referenda to Exceed. §121.91(3) Wis. Stats.
A district's revenue limit is increased by the amount of a voter-approved referendum to exceed the revenue limit on a recurring basis for which the current year is the first year of the exemption. The reason a recurring referendum is added only in the first year is that any prior-year recurring referenda amount, to the extent the district levied in the prior year, is already embedded in the levies included in the base revenue. If the full amount of the referendum-approved exemption was not levied in the prior year, 100 percent carryover would be eligible for entry in Line 8A above.