Purpose and Funding

The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) was signed into law by President Biden on June 25, 2022. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (WDPI) was allocated $12.5 million to administer a BSCA Stronger Connections competitive grant to high-need Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to support safe and healthy students under section 4108 of the ESEA.
The purpose of the BSCA Stronger Connections Grant is to support WDPI and eligible LEAs to establish safe, healthy, and supportive learning opportunities and environments for students.
LEAs awarded the BSCA Stronger Connections Grant are encouraged to utilize these grant funds to implement comprehensive, evidence-based strategies that meet each student’s social, emotional, physical, and mental well-being needs; create positive, inclusive, and supportive school environments; and increase access to place-based interventions and services. LEAs participating in this grant will engage in local decision making and meaningful consultation with educators, staff, students, parents, families, and community members on allowable uses of funds to be used for activities that foster safe, healthy, supportive, and drug free environments and support students’ academic achievement.
Stronger Connections Virtual Office Hours
June 4
- Office hours will be held monthly through September 30, 2026 (end of the Stronger Connections period of performance).
- Staff will not be available on legal holidays that occur on a Tuesday.
What are office hours for?
Office hours are a time for LEAs to ask questions or to work through any challenges a district or school may be facing with the Stronger Connections grant program. Please contact strongerconnections@dpi.wi.gov with questions about Stronger Connections Virtual Office Hours.
Grantees can also access the Stronger Connections Grant FAQ at any time.
Stronger Connections Grant Community of Practice (CoP)
All CoPs will be held virtually from 9:00-11:00 a.m. Reach out to the SCG team for registration information.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
- Topic: School Mental Health
- Speakers: Cristin Jones and Libby Stunz, Mental Health Consultants, DPI
- October CoP Slides
- October CoP Recording
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
- Topics: School Safety and Chronic Absenteeism
- Speakers: Julie Incitti, School Social Work Consultant, DPI and Trish Kilpin, Director, Office of School Safety
Tuesday, April 15, 2025
- Topic: Social Emotional Learning in Schools
- Speaker: Cristin Jones, Mental Health Consultant, DPI
Grant Information and Materials
Start Guide - Stronger Connections Grant
Stronger Connections Grant FAQ
- Stronger Connections Grant Reporting Information
Reporting Window Open June 25, 2024-August 2, 2024
- Stronger Connection Grantees Announced
The Stronger Connections competitive grant was part of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act legislation signed into law by President Joe Biden in June 2022. The DPI engaged with external reviewers across the state with expertise in comprehensive, evidence-based strategies that meet students’ social, emotional, physical, and mental well-being needs to review applications and determine grant allocation amounts.
In addition to helping school districts establish safe, inclusive, healthy, and supportive learning opportunities and environments for students, grant funding will provide the opportunity for school districts to implement comprehensive, evidence-based strategies and increase access to place-based interventions and services.
“I am grateful for this funding from our federal partners, and Wisconsin should now step up to the plate and do more to meet the very real needs of our kids,” State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underly said. “Our state currently has the means to make a tremendous difference in the mental health of our kids, and I will continue fighting for our schools to be equipped with staff and the resources to do so. It is critical we come together to support our kids as they endure mounting mental health challenges.”
For a complete list of LEAs please visit: Stronger Connections Grantee List by CESA and Funding Amounts
- Stronger Connections Grant Competition
Wisconsin DPI is pleased to announce the Stronger Connections Grant for eligible high need Local Education Agencies (LEAs).
- Eligible Local Education Agencies - This document lists the LEAs that are eligible to apply for the Stronger Connections Grant.
- Stronger Connections Grant Writers Webinar - This webinar explores the grant requirements for the Stronger Connections Grant. Webinar Slides
- Stronger Connections Grant Guidance - This document provides an overview of grant requirements and includes the scoring rubric.
- PI-9580-AC, Affirmation of Consultation with Private School Officials - This form is required for all private schools within the LEA boundaries, if applicable. Please review the guidance for more details on this requirement.
- Grant Assurances for Stronger Connections Grant - This is a review copy of the grant assurances that are required of all applicants. This form can also be downloaded from within the application. Once complete, the form will be uploaded prior to grant submission.
The Stronger Connections Grant has been completed.
- Department of Education Resources
- Building Stronger Connections Webinar Series
- Engaging Families and Communities: Building Stronger Connections (recording)
- Selecting High-Quality Evidence-based Strategies for Safe, Supportive and Healthy Schools Part I (recording)
- Selecting High-Quality Evidence-based Strategies for Safe, Supportive and Healthy Schools Part II (recording)
- Professional Development and Training for All School Staff on Strategies for Safe, Supportive and Healthy Schools (recording)
For questions about this information, contact strongerconnections@dpi.wi.gov