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Teacher of The Year

Teacher of the Year logo

Wisconsin selects five (5) Teachers of the Year (TOY) annually to represent Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, High Schools, and Special Services. Through an interview process, one of the five is selected to represent Wisconsin in the CCSSO National Teacher of the Year program. DPI considers all five of its TOYs as a Teacher of the Year and does not give special designation to the one chosen to represent the state in the National Teacher of the Year program.



Program Partnerships

handshake icon

The Wisconsin Teacher of the Year program is proud to have support from the following organizations:

The Herb Kohl Educational Foundation
Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC)
American Federation of Teachers - WI (AFT-WI)
Association of Wisconsin School Administrators (AWSA)
Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators (WASDA)
Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB)
Cooperative Educational Service Agency Network (CESA)
Wisconsin Teacher of the Year Network (WTOYN)
Wisconsin Teacher of the Year Council (WTOYC)
Wisconsin Association for Middle Level Education (WAMLE)
Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS)
Wisconsin Newspaper Association
Wisconsin Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (WASCD)
Administrators and Supervisors Council of Milwaukee
Wisconsin Indian Education Association (WIEA)
Wisconsin Parent Teacher Association (WI PTA)
Wisconsin Retired Educators Association (WREA)
Educator's Credit Union
Educators Rising
Wisconsin Army National Guard (WI ARNG)
Wisconsin Council of Administrators of Special Services (WCASS)
100 Black Men of Madison
For questions about this information, contact Erin Forrest (608) 266-2489