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Upcoming Snapshots for Accountability Reporting and Aid Calculations

Friday, October 29, 2021
Dear District Administrators,
The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) is writing to remind you of the upcoming December 7th snapshot for data submitted through WISEdata as well as give an update on how we have tried to reduce the burden and add value through our data quality efforts.
Data included in this snapshot:
  • 2020-21 Year End Completion data (used to calculate Graduation Rates, Dropout Rates, and Chronic Absenteeism) and Discipline
  • 2020-21 Roster and Career Education data
  • 2021-22 Third Friday of September Enrollment
  • 2021-22 October 1 Child Count of students with disabilities
  • 2021-22 Graduation Requirements
  • 2021-22 Demographics
  • 2021-22 Digital Equity Data (optional)
Once the snapshot is taken, the data are considered certified and final, so it’s critical that data are accurate when the snapshot is taken. As a reminder, the data are used in the following ways: public reporting requirements via the WISEdash Public Portal; Federal reporting, including IDEA Child Count, Career and Technical Education, and ESSA; some funding allocations, such as high poverty aid, Perkins, IDEA flowthrough, and preschool allocations; and in the 2021-22 School and District Report Cards and Joint Federal Notifications. Given the impact and long-term use of these data, it is critical that your district’s data are accurate at the time of the December 7th snapshot.
Special Note on Economic Status data: Please visit this page for important guidance on how to submit Economic Status and Food Services Eligibility data this year.
Special Note on Digital Equity Gap data (optional): In addition to your data being needed for the snapshot, we continue to encourage you to collect and submit the digital equity data elements and student addresses as soon as possible. These data help to ensure all students have the device and internet access they need to be successful in virtual learning.
What’s next?
District administrators are responsible for their district’s snapshot data. Steps to take as you prepare:
  • Use the WISEadmin application to prepare for a successful snapshot including viewing WISEdash Key Performance Indicators. See the WISEadmin Portal User Guide for Administrative Users on the help page for more information.
  • Use a team approach. Include staff members who work with enrollment, demographic, CTE, and special education data.
  • Use WISEsecure accessed through the DPI WISEhome Page to provide staff access to the tools.
  • Communicate the importance of the high stakes nature of the data and how it is used:
    • Public reporting on the WISEdash Public Portal;
    • Federal reporting, including IDEA Child Count, Career and Technical Education, and ESSA;
    • Federal and state funding allocations, such as Carl Perkins, IDEA flow through and preschool, and state aid for high poverty districts; and
    • Score calculations in the Accountability Report Cards.
  • The Customer Services team may reach out to assist you with any outstanding data concerns noted by DPI.
Need help?
  • Visit our Snapshot Preparation Guidance page for helpful resources.
  • Find answers quickly using the abundance of available resources on our Help page.
  • Join us for a Snapshot Preparation Webinar/Q&A November 11 for public schools and November 12 for charter schools! Find more information in our WISEdata Events Calendar.
We are here to support you to the best of our ability. Please reach out with any questions or problems by submitting a help desk ticket. Thank you for all you do!
John W. Johnson, PhD
Deputy State Superintendent