Reading Initiatives Information
Under Wisconsin’s Motion 57 and Wisconsin's approved plan for ESSER III American Rescue Plan Act funds were approved for reading initiatives. The funding is made available under the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Fund (ESSER III) under the American Rescue Plan Act, the intention of which is to address the academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs of students most severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
These reading initiative grants include:
- Voyager Sopris Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) (now offered by Lexia Learning) Grants (or another program endorsed by the Center for Effective Reading Instruction as an Accredited Independent Teacher Training Program) for LEAs.
- Grants for Cooperative Education Service Agencies (CESAs)
- The Leadership in Literacy Institute (All CESAs)
- The Literacy Instruction - Training Expansion of Evidence-based Practices (CESAs 8 & 9 only)
- The Early Literacy Audit (CESAs 1-7 & 10-12)
Please see ACT 20 and Federal Funds FAQ and the Wisconsin Reads page for more information about Wisconsin Act 20.
Voyager Sopris Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) (now offered by Lexia Learning) Grants (or another program endorsed by the Center for Effective Reading Instruction as an Accredited Independent Teacher Training Program)
LEAs and CESAs who wish to participate in the second opportunity must indicate in WISEgrants that they will participate by February 16, 2024.
- Eligible Entities
All LEAs and CESAs are eligible for funding.
- Amount
1st Round: In FY 2021-2022, a reimbursement amount of $4,000 was available for each LEA and CESA (the amount is the typical LETRS training or another program endorsed by the Center for Effective Reading Instruction as an Accredited Independent Teacher Training Program cost for one staff person). For those LEAs and CESAs who choose to participate, the funding is available for any eligible training costs that were incurred in FY 2021-2022 as well as future training costs through September 30, 2024. See the LETRS Reimbursement (EBIS ESSER III) First Round Allocations (FY 22 - FY 24) (Google Sheet) for amounts allocated to participating agencies in WISEgrants FY 2022-2023. See the LETRS Training Reimbursement message that was sent on June 20, 2022, for more information regarding the first round of funding.
2nd Round: In December 2023, LEAs and CESAs that do not currently have allocations in FY 2023-2024 or who wish to receive additional reimbursement for eligible training expenses must choose to do so by February 16, 2024, through WISEgrants. Funding is not guaranteed and allocations will be made 1) based on existing eligible expenses incurred since July 1, 2023; 2) projected eligible expenditures prioritized for LEAs with ESSA or IDEA identifications; and 3) general availability of funds. Amounts may be allocated to LEAs prior to February 16, 2024, based on responses received.
- Purpose
These funds reimburse vendor training costs for staff who successfully completed the Voyager Sopris Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) training (now offered by Lexia Learning) or another program endorsed by the Center for Effective Reading Instruction as an Accredited Independent Teacher Training Program. Please see the Act 20 FAQ page for more information about Wisconsin 2023 Act 20 science-based early literacy instruction requirement.
- How to Apply
Beginning in December 2023, agencies with existing LETRS allocations in FY 2023-2024 (loaded from 2022-2023 balance the LEA/CESA indicated they would claim in FY 2023-2024) should submit a "$0.00" request to maintain their existing allocation amount or agencies requesting new or additional funds may submit an amount greater than $0.00 to be considered for additional funding above and beyond their current amount. Each agency must indicate whether they plan to participate in the LETRS reimbursement opportunity by February 16, 2024. If the agency chooses to participate, additional information will be collected on expenses incurred during to-date and planned obligations for through September 30, 2024. For additional information, including instructions for requesting funds in FY 2023-2024, please review the FY 2023-2024 “LETRS” Training Reimbursement Opportunity technical assistance document.
Please see LETRS Reimbursement - WISEgrants Technical Assistance or email with any questions.
- Claims for Reimbursement
After the initial LETRS (or other accredited program) funding amounts have been distributed to participating LEAs and CESAs, agencies will submit claims for training reimbursement through WISEgrants. The following will be collected as supporting documentation for each claim submitted: selection from a DPI-provided list of accredited trainings and vendor(s); number of participants who attended the training being reimbursed.
Only the cost of the vendor payment is eligible for reimbursement. Costs related to staff compensation, substitute teachers, employee travel, stipends, and consortium administrative fees are not eligible for reimbursement. Materials, supplies and books provided as part of the vendor training should be coded to object 310, 382 or 386 (as applicable). LEAs may use ESSER III funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to recover additional costs not covered by the LETRS reimbursement.
An LEA or a CESA may purchase seats from an approved vendor on behalf of other agencies to meet "minimum seat requirements." In those cases, the LEA or CESA would invoice the participating agencies and those agencies would submit claims for LETRS reimbursement.
See the LETRS Reimbursement Claiming - Technical Assistance (Google Doc) for more information.
Literacy Grants for CESAs
Eligible Entities
All CESAs are eligible for funding. There are three grants available and have differing eligibility requirements. Please see Literacy Grants for CESAs- WISEgrants Technical Assistance or email with any questions.
CESAs who wish to participate in this opportunity accepted or declined by May 15, 2023 on WISEgrants. CESAs choosing to participate will submitted their initial budget in WISEgrants by June 16, 2023.
Please see Literacy Grants for CESAs- WISEgrants Technical Assistance or email with any questions.
- How to Apply
Each CESA accepted or declined each grant allocation by May 15, 2023. Note: each grant is listed separately in WISEgrants. (Leadership in Literacy Institute (ARPA); The Literacy Instruction - Training Expansion of Evidence-based Practices (ARPA); Early Literacy Audit (ARPA))
WISEgrants Administrators in each CESA need to assign users to view or edit these new grant applications in WISEgrants. (See the WISEgrants website for assistance.) Any user with edit rights to these new grants in WISEgrants will need to go to the “Select Fund Management” screen for each grant.- To Accept Funds - Choose to either “Manage Own Funds” or “Select a Third Party Grant Administrator”
- To Decline Funds - Choose “Surrender Funds to DPI”
Please see Literacy Grants for CESAs- WISEgrants Technical Assistance or email with any questions.
Per Wisconsin Motion 57, any unused funds will be used to fund additional awards for LETRS or other eligible reading training. See additional details about the LETRS award below.