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Technical Assistance

Using WISEgrants

Accessing or Adding/Removing Users of WISEgrants


WISE family applications may be accessed with a professional WAMS ID or an approved district email account via WISEhome, a portal that allows authorized users to request access to WISE applications and access applications they have already been assigned roles for in one hub.

After submitting a WISEgrants access request in WISEhome, a person must be granted an application user role by their agency to log in and work with WISEgrants. Local District Security Administrators (DSAs) are the gatekeepers who determine the appropriate role for people requesting access and assign them using WISEsecure. Removing users from WISEgrants also is managed by DSAs in WISEsecure. If you need help finding your DSA to either assign or remove roles, please submit a help ticket using the blue button to the left.

There are two roles that can be assigned by DSAs for local users of WISEgrants:

  • A WISEgrants Administrator has edit access rights to all of an agency’s grant applications and claims by default. They

     also have the ability to manage all access rights for WISEgrants Users and add or remove the Authorizations privilege for themselves or other WISEgrants Administrators. To manage access rights, they will navigate to Admin Menu > Maintain User > Edit Access, and select the person whose profile they would like to adjust. There is no limit how many WISEgrants Administrators can be assigned.

  • A WISEgrants User has “edit” or “view only” access to an agency’s grant applications only as assigned by an agency’s WISEgrants Administrator. This role starts out as a blank slate to allow it to be fully customizable. After your role is assigned in WISEsecure, an additional step must be completed by a local WISEgrants Administrator within WISEgrants to activate access to the grants and features you need. If you see an error message when you log in that says "Unable to execute the requested action due to missing access rights" it means no rights have been added for you yet. If you need help finding a list of your WISEgrants Administrators, in WISEgrants, click the hyperlink in the error message. A list can also be found by selecting from the blue menu bar Reports > Contact Lists > Subrecipient WISEgrants Administrators.

DPI staff who need access to WISEgrants should follow these instructions instead of requesting access via WISEhome.

For more information about WISEhome and WISEsecure, refer to the WISEhome and WISEsecure Information page.

WAMS IDs and Managing Contact Information
Individuals who need to be assigned access to WISEgrants for multiple agencies must have a WAMS ID associated with their professional email address. To create or update a WAMS ID, visit the WAMS website (this is not a DPI site). If you wish to:

  • Update an existing WAMS ID, click "Profile Management" to change your name, email address or password. Please note that phone numbers that appear in WISEgrants are pulled from WISEhome. To update your phone number, log into WISEhome, click the My Profile tab, update the phone number field and click Save. 
  • Create a new WAMS ID, click "Self-Registration" and follow these instructions for creating a WAMS ID. Be sure to use a professional email address because you will receive automated notifications from the system regarding your agency's application. 

Receiving Training on Using WISEgrants


Components of WISEgrants are managed by almost every team at DPI. It can be hard to know where to look for answers to your questions. Here are a few places to start:

Getting Help with WISEgrants


Contact Your Assigned Application Reviewer: If you have questions about program design, legal requirements or allowable costs, contact your assigned reviewer for that specific grant.

  • You can look up your assigned reviewers and their contact information two ways in WISEgrants:
    • On any screen, from the blue menu bar, select Reports > Contact Lists > DPI Contacts by Grant. Peruse the list for the grant and associated application or claims reviewer.
    • When already working on a specific grant, in the grant Application menu, click the first link for the Grant Contacts screen. In the top section of the screen, entitled DPI Contacts, see the assigned Application reviewer.
  • You can initiate a message board post for conversations you would like officially documented (e.g. allowable costs questions). Your assigned application reviewer will be notified of grant-specific posts.

Submit a WISEgrants Help Ticket: If you are experiencing something with your application or claim that you think is a bug or otherwise incorrect, or you have a technical support question, please click the blue "Start a Help Ticket" button to the left to fill out the form. Two guides help to explain how to fill out the form for Subrecipients or DPI Staff. You can also schedule a meeting with tech support staff.

Completing Necessary Forms


Digitally Authorizing Certifications and Assurances

Uploading ESEA Private School Affirmation and CARES Private School Affirmation Forms

Finding Grant Application Guides


Budgeting and WUFAR Combinations

Submitting a Claim

Using the Message Board

  • Message Board Technical Assistance: Information on using the Message Board in WISEgrants. The Message Board is individual to each subrecipient and contains communications between DPI and the subrecipient for each grant.

Managing E-mail Notifications and WISEgrants Administrator Role Changes



For questions about this information, contact Jessica Bartelt (608) 266-3608