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Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant Program Current Grantee Resources

21st century community learning centers

Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant Program

Title IV, Part B, of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)



The purpose of the Current Grantee Resources webpage is to provide resources, links to grant relevant forms, announcements, and training content that is specific to current 21st CCLC grantees.

OST Conference logo

Out of School Time Conference 2024

  • November 12-13, 2024 | Chula Vista Resort & Conference Center, Wisconsin Dells
  • November 15, 2024 | Virtual​

DPI is proud to partner with the following organizations to once again bring 21st CCLC grantees and other OST programs throughout WI an opportunity to learn and grow together at the only WI Statewide Out-of-School Time Learning Conference.

  • Wisconsin Out of School Time Alliance,
  • Department of Children and Families,
  • Department of Administration,
  • Continuing Education: University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point,
  • YMCA of Wisconsin State Alliance,
  • Boys and Girls Club of Wisconsin State Alliance,
  • Wisconsin Childcare Administrators Association,
  • Northwest Connection,
  • Milwaukee Public Schools
  • Whitehall School District.

Participants will have the opportunity to hear from Keynote Speaker, Chardé Hollins, licensed clinical social worker, about creating safe spaces, cultural awareness, and improving behavioral and wellness supports.

The conference will also offer multiple sessions to enhance and grow your out-of-school time programming. There will also be networking opportunities and chances to connect with your 21st CCLC grantee peers.

For more information and to register, visit: Out of School Time Conference - Continuing Education and Outreach | UWS

External Organizations

DPI accepts self-nominations on an annual basis for eligible organizations to be included as part of a published list of organizations that 21st CCLC grantees may reference for potential partnerships or professional development support. For this purpose, external organization is defined as:

(A) a nonprofit organization with a record of success in running or working with before- and after-school (or summer recess) programs and activities; or

(B) in the case of a community where there is no such organization, a nonprofit organization in the community that enters into a written agreement or partnership with an organization described in (A) to receive mentoring and guidance in running or working with before- and after-school (or summer recess) programs and activities. (Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended on December 10, 2015)

To be considered, eligible entities need to complete an application and submit to DPI for review. DPI's 21st CCLC website will post the accepted entities for a period of two years, at which time organizations must reapply. This list of organizations is intended to serve as a resource for 21st CCLC programs looking for potential partners in their region. Note: the document is not an exhaustive list nor does it serve as an endorsement or certification of quality from DPI.

DPI is not currently accepting nominations.

The current list of self-nominated external organizations is available for download here.

For additional information, contact Nathan Werley.

Training and Technical Assistance

2023 New Grantee Staff Orientation

DPI offered a two part series of introductions to the 21st CCLC program for new grantees and new 21st CCLC staff.

Webinar Descriptions:

Webinar 1: This session provides grantees with an overview of the grant requirements. This session is most relevant to those who are responsible for managing the grant, including meeting grant reporting requirements, providing fiscal oversight of the grant, and ensuring the grant is in compliance with all grant requirements. 

Webinar 2: This session focuses on the day-to-day operations of a high quality 21st CCLC program, ideas for academic enrichment programming, and other enriching activities for youth. new 21st CCLC Grantee Training Part Two: Day to Day Operations

For questions about this information, contact