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Three Models of Service Delivery

Three Models of Service Delivery

Three models

A comprehensive school mental health system melds a system of care approach with a multilevel system of supports by using one of three models of service delivery. In all models, the school-family-community team focuses on building the capacity of all educators to promote mental health and the competencies of pupil services providers to provide interventions to students with mental health challenges; fosters collaborative relationships with community providers; and builds relationships for improved co-planning with students and families.

Model 1: Mental Health Services Delivered by Pupil Services Providers with Referral to Community-Based Providers.

The continuum of mental health services for students are supported by school-employed mental health providers (pupil services) as part of the district’s service delivery model. Universal and selected mental health services are designed and implemented by school staff. Children with acute or chronic mental health needs are referred for community-based services. In this model, schools map community-based resources and explore collaborative partnerships.

Model 2: Pupil Services Providers with Community Mental and Behavioral Health Providers Co-Located in Schools.

Public or private mental health clinics or providers may, through a mutual agreement with a district, locate a clinic within a school and provide direct mental health services to students utilizing a county- or clinic-employed mental health provider licensed by the Department of Safety and Professional Services, billing families usually through Medicaid, private insurance, or self-pay. The remaining continuum of mental health services for students, particularly at universal and selected levels, are provided by school-employed mental health providers (pupil services) as part of the district’s continuum of services. In this model, schools work to find ways to promote equal access for students to community mental health services co-located in schools to allow for collaboration and coordination of services by the community provider, school personnel, and families.

Model 3: Community Mental Health Service Providers as Full Collaborative Partners with Pupil Services Providers.

Public or private community mental/behavioral health providers may provide traditional direct therapy services in the school or a community clinic, paid by a third party, such as insurance or a community fund. Indirect services such as consultation with adults regarding classroom-wide or schoolwide practices, as well as professional development, may also be provided, and in some cases supported by school funds.

Collaboration Guide for Schools and Community Mental Health Providers

In 2016, the WI Department of Public Instruction released guidance to support school efforts to connect with community mental health providers. Building on that initial guidance, the Coalition for Expanding School-Based Mental Health in Wisconsin worked with an advisory committee to develop and publish a Collaboration Guide for Schools and Community Mental Health Providers. This guide, developed in collaboration with providers, school representatives, and DPI consultants, addresses a range of issues that have emerged over the past several years as schools and communities have continued to grow access to mental health services and treatment as part of implementing the comprehensive model of school mental health. This resource is really a product of the Coalition community and beyond, drawing on the numerous creative and innovative efforts in school-community collaborations across the state. As school mental health continues to evolve across Wisconsin, the Coalition hopes the resource generates a dialogue with the field and serves as a kind of “open source” document that can continue to address emerging issues as the community shares their questions, knowledge, creativity, and expertise. Note that this resource is not legal advice. Schools and providers should consult legal counsel regarding adoption of changes in policy, practice, or MOUs/contracts.

For questions about this information, contact Jessica Frain (608) 266-0986