Student Services/Prevention and Wellness Resources
Many of the following resources and technical assistance documents are available at no cost through the Student Services/Prevention and Wellness Team, and many can be downloaded from this web site. User must have a PDF reader installed and configured on their Web browser to read many of the following files.
Some resources are available in hard copy only and can be obtained by:
- calling 608-266-8960 or
- sending an e-mail to
Resource | Description |
1:1 Nursing Services for Students with Special Health Care Needs | |
Active Schools Toolkit | The Active Schools "Toolkit" provides teachers, administrators, and parents with strategies and activities to help students meet a goal of 60 minutes of physical activity per day. This toolkit is designed to assist with the development of health-enhancing physical education classes, active lunch periods and recess, classroom activity breaks, co-curricular programs, and activity programs for families.(2012) Available online only. |
Administration of Medications in Wisconsin Schools (2022) | |
Alternatives to Expulsion: Case Studies of Wisconsin School Districts | |
Answers to Frequently Asked Compulsory School Attendance Questions | |
Model Exposure Control Plan for Wisconsin Schools | This document will assist school districts in development and implementation of a local exposure control plan to prevent and minimize school employee and student exposure to bloodborne pathogens. (2009) |
Building Skills for Health Literacy— Nutrition | This document will assist you in developing or refining your units of instruction on nutrition K-12 in your school district. The template helps you design a skill-focused, standards-based unit that will help you meet your school needs. (2009) |
Building Skills for Health Literacy: Tobacco | This document is designed to assist in developing or refining units of instruction on tobacco K-12. The template helps you design a skill-focused, standards-based unit to meet the needs in the school district. (2008) Only available in hard copy. |
Confidential Services Available to Youth in Wisconsin | This document describes the circumstances in which youth may access confidential services independently, according to Wisconsin law. (2008) |
Nursing Services in Wisconsin Schools |
The guidance outlines both state and federal laws related to school districts’ legal responsibilities for the provision of nursing procedures and health services for students (2022). |
Homebound Instruction: Questions & Answers for Families (English) Homebound Instruction: Questions & Answers for Families (Spanish) Homebound Instruction: Questions & Answers for Families (Hmong) Homebound Instruction: Questions & Answers for Families (Arabic) |
This document provides guidance to parents and guardians regarding homebound instruction for regular education children unable to attend school due to health reasons. (2010) |
Homebound Instruction: Questions & Answers for School Districts | This document provides guidance to school districts regarding homebound instruction for regular education children unable to attend school due to health reasons. (2010) |
Homebound Instruction Form - Physician's Statement | School districts may use this form to obtain documentation from a physician for the need for homebound instruction. |
Human Growth & Development A Resource Guide to Assist School Districts in Policy and Program Development and Implementation | This resource guide was designed to help local school districts develop, review, and address issues related to their human growth and development (HGD) program. (2014) |
Instruction and Services For School Age Parents | This document addresses the most frequently asked questions regarding the necessary and recommended instruction and services for school-age parents. (2018) |
Mentoring the Pupil Services Initial Educator | This guide reflects the requirements for pupil services licensing found in the State of Wisconsin administrative rule PI 34 and includes recommended practices for mentoring pupil services professionals, including school counselors, nurses, psychologists, and social workers. PI 34 requires all initial educators to have a mentor who has been trained in the Wisconsin Standards appropriate to the license category. Even though pupil services staff are well prepared by strong professional training and experiences, new professionals face many challenges in launching their practices in the school setting. The information and suggested activities offered in this guide may be beneficial to both the initial educator and the mentor as their work together progresses. (2010) |
My Child has been bullied - What can I do? | A brochure providing information for parents of students who have been bullied. (2012) |
My Child has been expelled - now what? | A brochure providing information for parents of expelled students. Also available in Spanish (2008) |
Photocopying Birth Certificates for School Admission | |
Reporting Requirements for Situations Involving Sexual Contact or Intercourse and Students: Suggested Procedures for School Employees | This document is intended to help school districts, in collaboration with their local child welfare and law enforcement agencies, develop policies and procedures to address situations where a school employee has reasonable cause to suspect that a minor student has been involved in sexual contact or intercourse. State statutes regarding the mandatory reporting of sexual activity with minor students are complex, with different directives that depend on various factors. This summary was developed by the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) in cooperation with the Department of Children and Families (DCF). Applicable definitions are included for reference. (June 2022) |
Resource List for Child Welfare Professionals - Supporting the Educational Needs of Children and Youth | |
Resources for School Tobacco Programs 2007: A Selected List | This descriptive list of resources and programs is designed to help Wisconsin school-communities select materials that will assist them in implementing effective programs and policies to help reduce tobacco use among youth. |
School HIV/AIDS Policy Tool Kit | The purpose of the tool kit is to provide school districts with the necessary resources, including policy guidance and sample policies, to assess, develop, and implement policies and procedures related to HIV. |
School's Role in Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect | This publication is designed to help educators better understand their legal responsibilities to report suspected child abuse and neglect, and to assist them in understanding the child protective services initial assessment process. In addition, provisions in the law for schools and counties to share confidential information are included to help promote better working relationships between the two respective systems. (2022) |
Sharing Information Across Systems | This resource is designed to help local school districts and their community partners develop local policies, procedures, and agreements regarding how they will share information across systems (i.e. law enforcement, the courts and juvenile justice, social services, and health). (2018) |
Student Records and Confidentiality | This resource is designed to help local school districts and their community partners develop local policies, procedures, and agreements regarding how they will share information across systems (i.e. law enforcement, the courts and juvenile justice, social services, and health). (2018) |
Suicide Prevention Model Notice |
Wisconsin statute, s. 115.365, Assistance to schools for suicide prevention programs, requires that, "Each school board and the governing body of each private school annually shall inform their professional staff of the resources available from the department and other sources regarding suicide prevention. The department annually shall provide school boards and the governing bodies of private and tribal schools with a model notice of suicide prevention resources and services in the state.” A fact sheet on additional laws pertaining to suicide prevention is also available: Wisconsin Statutes and Administrative Rules Related to School-Based Suicide Prevention. |
Using Student Survey Data to Engage Student Learning: Summary Report | This new booklet provides some effective strategies in teaching students about Youth Risk Behavior Survey data and what it can tell us about a student's perceptions surrounding their health choices. (2018) |
Wisconsin School Health Profiles | The School Health Profiles (Profiles) assists state and local education and health agencies in monitoring and assessing characteristics of school health education; physical education and physical activity; school health policies related to HIV infection, tobacco-use prevention, bullying and sexual harassment, and nutrition; health services; school health coordination; and family and community involvement in school health programs. Data from Profiles can be used to improve school health programs. |
The Wisconsin School Mental Health Framework | Wisconsin’s vision for Comprehensive School Mental Health is outlined in the Wisconsin School Mental Health Framework: Building and Sustaining a Comprehensive System. The framework includes six components of a CSMHS and provides guidance on implementing them from a trauma sensitive lens. (2021) |
Wisconsin Success Stories Active Schools | This is a new resource developed from the experiences of some of the Active Schools Project participants. This publication highlights the stories of eight schools, the activities employed and the outcomes of their programs. The activities follow the strategies outlined in the Active Schools Toolkit. (2012) |