
There are various tools available to assess progress in becoming a trauma sensitive school. The following list is not comprehensive, but provides tools for your consideration and use. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction does not necessarily endorse any evaluation tool provided below, but encourages each educator, school leader, or trauma sensitive schools team to determine which tools best meet the needs of their school community.
Trauma Responsive School Implementation Assessment (TRS-IA)
Trauma Responsive Schools Implementation Assessment (TRS-IA) - Developed by the Treatment and Services Adaptation Center for Resilience, Hope, and Wellness in Schools in collaboration with the Center for School Mental Health
The TRS-IA is an evidence-informed self-assessment that can quickly and efficiently identify trauma responsive programming and policy domains of strengths, as well as areas with greater room for improvement. This assessment measures eight key domains of a trauma responsive school:
- Whole School Safety Programming
- Whole School Prevention Programming
- Whole School Trauma Programming
- Classroom-based Strategies
- Prevention/Early Intervention Trauma Programming
- Targeted Trauma Programming
- Staff Self-Care
- Community Context
Wisconsin DPI Trauma Sensitive Schools Fidelity Tool
Trauma Sensitive Schools Fidelity Tool - Developed by DPI
This tool is intended to paint a picture of your school prior to the implementation of trauma sensitive policies and practices. It may also help shape your school conversation around how to become more trauma sensitive. This assessment helps schools to evaluate the following areas:
- School Environment
- Adult-Student Interactions
- Leadership & Practices
- Staff Competence & Actions
- Discipline
- Student Competence & Power
Trauma Sensitive Schools Checklist
Trauma Sensitive Schools Checklist - Developed by Lesley University Center for Special Education, Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative of Massachusetts Advocates for Children, and the Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School
This checklist is organized by five components involved in creating a trauma sensitive school. Assess your school on each component:
- School-wide Policies and Practices
- Classroom Strategies and Techniques
- Collaborations and Linkages with Mental Health
- Family Partnerships
- Community Linkages
Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care Scale - Developed by the Traumatic Stress Institute
This assessment is a psychometrically valid measure of professional and paraprofessional attitudes toward trauma informed care (TIC). Visit the website to learn more about pricing options for your school or district