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Wisconsin Pupil Services Evaluation System: School Psychologist


The Wisconsin Pupil Services Evaluation System is an optional professional evaluation system for individual school psychologists and the other three pupil services professions of school counseling, nursing, and social work. It is parallel in format and rigor to the Wisconsin Educator Effectiveness (EE) System. Pupil services professionals may develop a Pupil Services Evaluation Plan (PSEP) in MyLearningPlan© for each year of the Evaluation Cycle or may use other formats available to school districts (see below). See the Wisconsin Pupil Services Evaluation System for more information.

School Psychology Evaluation Rubric

The School Psychology Evaluation Rubric outlines the components of school psychology practice, based on the National Association of School Psychologists Practice Model. The rubric is an evaluation tool for an individual school psychologist, not a school’s or district’s service delivery model.

School psychologists’ scope of services largely depends on the number of students for whom they are expected to provide services (i.e. the more students the smaller the scope). Expectation of service delivery is impacted by the variance from the recommended student-staff ratios of the national association. The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) recommends a ratio of 500 to 700 students for each psychologist in order to provide the full scope of services outlined in the NASP Practice Model.

The rubric was created with the assumption that some schools in the state of Wisconsin offer school psychology services consistent with the NASP Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services recommended student-staff ratio of 500 to 700 students to every school psychologist. Not every pupil service professional or school system will be able to address every component in this rubric. The rubric is designed to allow schools with low student to staff ratios to provide services among the required and optional components. Schools with a student to school psychologist ratio of 1000 students to every school psychologist may anticipate being able to provide services only among the required components. It is unrealistic for schools with a high ratio to expect their scope of service to be represented in any of the optional components of this rubric. Administrators and school psychologists should have a conversation around how ratios impact their scope of services at the beginning-of-the-year orientation meeting and planning session outlined in the Wisconsin Pupil Services Evaluation System User Guide.

This rubric is not intended to be used as a stand-alone evaluation tool, rather as part of the Wisconsin Pupil Services Evaluation System. It is part of a collaborative effort to demonstrate an individual professional’s growth and development over time. Early practice school psychologists are anticipated to operate in the Emerging to Basic ranges. Most pupil service professionals who have five or more years of experience are anticipated to operate in the Basic to Proficient ranges on most items. Someone who rates as primarily in the Proficient range is a leader in the field. The Exemplary category is reserved for school psychologists who stand out among their peers. Over time, in a continuous progress model, school psychologists are expected to develop additional skills and competencies along the continuum.

Sample Student and Program Outcomes (SPOs) (under development)

SPO Scoring Rubric and Process Guide

Examples of School Psychology Evidence Sources (under development)

Wisconsin Pupil Services Evaluation System Manual


Microsoft Office Word Versions

  • School Psychologist Evaluation Included Component Planning (under development)

School Psychologist Evaluation Plan

End of Cycle Summary

Examples of Evidence Sources
  • Examples of School Psychologist Evidence Sources (under development)

Observations and Consultations