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The State Superintendent's Advisory Council for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse


The State Superintendent's Advisory Council for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA) Programs has legislative responsibility for AODA programs, grants, and services, but not in isolation from other related youth risk behaviors including: tobacco prevention, AIDS/HIV/STDs; violence prevention; teen pregnancy prevention; and youth suicide prevention. 

The Department of Public Instruction (DPI or department) has integrated Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA) programs with those programs addressing other youth risk behaviors. The AODA Advisory Council has evolved to provide the department valuable input on this integrated approach to the health and wellbeing of children. Because no youth risk behavior (AODA, AIDS/HIV, teen suicide, violence, tobacco use, etc.) occurs in isolation, the council's focus has been able to provide valuable feedback and coordinated recommendations in a holistic fashion, rather than on an isolated basis. For example, the DPI's AODA staff works closely and in an integrated manner with our Coordinated School Health Programs that include Whole School, Whole Community, and Whole Child.

In addition to the statutory requirements outlined under Wis. Stat. § 115.36(2)(e), this advisory council will provide advice to the state superintendent on the range of programs, services, and strategies. The advisory council was created in July 1980, through this legislative mandate (Wis. Stat. § 115.36). The Department of Public Instruction was directed to help schools develop comprehensive programs, which prevent alcohol and other drug abuse (AODA) among youth and assist youth experiencing problems as a result of AOD use. The specific role of the department was outlined in terms of providing AODA-related resources in the areas of training, information, technical assistance, and project grant funds. Sub. (2)(e) directed the department to "create a council under Wis. Stat. § 15.04(1)(c) to advise the department concerning the administration of this section." Sub. (3)(d) specified that "the council established under sub. (2)(e) shall submit an advisory recommendation with respect to the application to the department prior to the approval or denial of the application" made for project grants.

The council is mandated by state statute (Wis. Stat. § 115.36[3][d]) to provide advisory recommendations regarding grants awarded under Wis. Stat. § 115.36(3).


State Superintendent’s AODA Council Policies and Procedures

State Superintendent’s AODA Council Nomination Form - Self Nomination, Nomination by an organization, Nomination by another individual or affiliation 

2022 Wisconsin State AODA Biennial Legislative Report

For questions about this information, contact Emily Holder (608) 267-9170