Trauma Sensitive Schools (TSS) Online Professional Development System
Video transcript for the Introduction to TSS Professional Development System
Welcome to DPI’s TSS Online Professional Development System. This is a free, online, on-demand system consisting of three primary components. Through this system, learners will understand the prevalence and impact of toxic stress on youth and those who care for them. Additionally, participants will understand how to infuse the values of safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration, and empowerment into various aspects of their existing equitable multi-level system of support. This infusion is what we call the trauma-informed lens.
The learning system is broken into Universal and Tier II and III modules. For each module set, you will find:
- Foundations: These modules are meant to be viewed first and in order. They set the stage for the important prerequisite knowledge and skills needed before engaging in other individual strategies.
- Strategies and Practices: These modules provide concrete ways to use the trauma-informed lens for various aspects of practice including social and emotional learning, self-regulation, relationship building and cognitive problem-solving. These modules can be viewed in any order, though we recommend the listed order.
- Systems & Policy Approaches: Finally, these modules focus on the systems and policy changes that are necessary to fully implement and sustain a TSS. They support areas such as school-wide behavior supports, discipline, and family engagement.
At the end of every module, learners will have the ability to email a certificate of completion to a staff person of their choosing. Length of the modules varies based on both topic and individual factors of the learner. View the average length of time for each module.
Trauma Sensitive Schools Module Resources
The following document provides direct links to the module readings, resources, and implementation tools in one handy location: Trauma Sensitive Schools Module Resources. Good luck on your journey!
Trauma Sensitive Schools Action Planning Guide
The following document guides school or district teams through creating an action plan for work around trauma sensitive schools with specific action items, linked to objectives, linked to goals that align with the overall vision: Trauma Sensitive Schools Action Planning Guide
Trauma Sensitive Schools Modules