The Wisconsin PK-Adult Social and Emotional Learning Competencies
This Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s (DPI) PK-Adult Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Competencies guide is designed to provide educators and out-of-school-time professionals with the essentials for implementing a comprehensive approach to SEL.
The competencies support the belief that SEL skills are best learned when all adults are teaching, providing opportunities to practice, learning and modeling, and reinforcing these skills throughout the day. Note that the competencies are provided in grade bands, as each competency subsumes the knowledge and skill development of the previous competencies. The grade bands are clustered for levels 4K-5K, 1-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-10, and 11-adulthood.
- Wisconsin’s SEL Competencies (English)
- Wisconsin’s SEL Competencies (Spanish)
- Wisconsin’s SEL Competencies (Hmong)
- Wisconsin’s SEL Competencies (Arabic)
- Wisconsin’s SEL Competencies (Karen)
View DPI’s Introduction to Wisconsin’s SEL Competencies webinar and view the accompanying slides.
Gauge and Prioritize Implementation of SEL Competencies
Use the following guides to gauge and prioritize your implementation of the SEL Competencies. The goal is to be more intentional in how staff teach, reinforce, and cue learners to apply these skills.