Selected Mental Health Practices for Some

All school staff must understand how to and to whom to refer students for more specialized services. Families need to receive information about how to access services. Students must have access to effective intervention to assure challenges are address early and with successful outcomes.
Early Identification, Screening, and Progress Monitoring
Identifying students in need of support early in their mental health challenge may help them forestall more serious problems. Some schools offer selected screening strategies to identify children and youth whose challenges are isolating, turned inward, or more difficult to detect. Once a student has been identified, schools monitor their response to challenges, in order to assure they are still making progress toward wellbeing and school achievement.
Effective Individual and Group Interventions
The earlier we can work with angry and aggressive children and youth, the better we are able to support their self-regulation. Learn the underlying principles of counseling angry and aggressive youth. Access two evidence-based programs to intervene for students at all school ages.
Wellness Planning with Children and Youth
When children and youth confront stress in their lives, they may experience improved outcomes when they are able to plan in a focused way around issues of fitness and overall wellness.
Co-Planning Strategies with Students, Families, and Community Partners
Planning which is family-driven and youth-guided offers schools the opportunity to acknowledge the important role parents have in their children’s lives, while giving you an opportunity to participate actively in decision-making. Co-planning, which includes any behavioral health partners from the community, allows for more efficient and effective planning for positive outcomes.