Commencing in the school year 2024-2025, the Wisconsin School Health Award will transition to the new Healthy Schools Academy platform. This streamlined, user-friendly platform simplifies participation for schools and will include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) School Health Index (SHI) modules 1-4 as a foundational element.
The Healthy Schools Academy offers:
- Three Participation Levels: Schools can progress through levels based on their capacity and goals, beginning with Level One.
- Funding Opportunities: Participating schools may be eligible for financial support once a level is completed.
- Collaborative Learning: Schools will have access to Communities of Practice or Professional Learning Communities, where members can engage, share insights, and learn from one another.
To apply for the Healthy Schools Academy a school must register by February 28, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. After registering, schools will participate in a 15 minute interview with program director Eileen Hare to assess eligibility based on its responses and academy’s available funding.
If a school is accepted into the academy, the district will receive a contract with the DPI. School activities cannot begin until the contract is executed. Please plan for Healthy School Academy activities to occur between July 2025 - June 2026.
School Health Academy Levels
The following outlines each of the School Health Academy Levels.
Suggested Timeline for Completion of Levels
- Level One
- The district or school wellness leader organizes the completion of the School Health Index: A Self-Assessment and Planning Guide E-Learning Module (SHI) for the school applying. This self- paced course introduces the CDC’s School Health Index and takes approximately 1-1.5 hours to complete.
- After this training, you will be ready to conduct or participate in a self-assessment and create a plan to improve the health of students in your school.
- The school shall provide the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) with a copy of the certificate of completion. Please send a copy of the completion certificate to Eileen Hare, Coordinated School Health Consultant at eileen.hare@dpi.wi.gov.
- The district or school wellness leader should organize the completion of the School Health Index modules 1-4.
- Provide WDPI with the SHI scores. Please send a copy to Eileen Hare, Coordinated School Health Consultant at eileen.hare@dpi.wi.gov. Note: it is recommended but not required to complete the additional modules.
Award: Schools receive $250 per school upon completing Level One.
Support Provided: DPI’s Student Services Prevention and Wellness (SSPW) Team will provide technical assistance and coaching.
- Level Two
- Complete all Level One activities.
- Complete an action plan based on the SHI results.
Award: Schools receive an additional $500 per school upon completing Level Two.
Support Provided: DPI’s SSPW Team will provide technical assistance and coaching.
- Level Three
- Complete all Level One and Level Two activities.
- Provide documentation of an evidence-based practice implemented from the school's action plan. Documentation shall include:
- The issue addressed.
- Actions taken.
- The impact
- Examples can be found in the Wisconsin success stories.
- Complete evaluation of program implementation:
Interview with DPI.
Approval of documentation (with potential edits or additions).
Award: Schools receive $1,750 per school upon completing Level Three (total: $2,500 per school).
Support Provided: DPI’s SSPW Team will provide technical assistance and coaching.
In addition, DPI will provide one complimentary registration for Best Practices in Health and Physical Education Conference held annually in July.
Schools may remain at their current level or advance based on capacity. The process begins anew with a fresh SHI assessment. For example, schools may repeat Level One for multiple years until ready to progress to Level Two and Three.
Level Two and Level Three Improvement Plan Pathways
Based on SHI results, schools can focus on one or more improvement pathways:
Module 2: Health Education
Module 3: Physical Education and Other Physical Activity Programs
- Complete:
- Physical Education: Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (PECAT) and/or based on SHI results and/or
- Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAP): A Guide for Schools E-Learning Module
Module 4: Nutrition Environment and Services
- Complete: WellSAT 3.0
Communities of Practice
Schools presenting formally in a Community of Practice will receive a $150 payment.
Additional Resources
Visit the Coordinated School Health website for more information and tools to support your school.
- Past Wisconsin School Health Award Winners