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American Rescue Plan - Homeless Children and Youth Funds

Important Grant Information and Deadlines

magnifying glass with dollar signARP-HCY funds can be obligated (used) until September 30, 2024
Final claims on ARP-HCY funds must be submitted to DPI by December 6, 2024.

DPI will be available during weekly office hours for questions. If you cannot make the office hours times, contact for assistance.
Use the following Teams information to join office hours: Join Teams Meeting, Meeting ID: 281 405 247 817, Passcode: mrmAWn

September 10, 9:00-10:00
September 16, 12:00-1:00
September 24, 1:00-2:00

New guidance: ARP-HCY subrecipients may purchase gift cards or gas cards until September 30, 2024. These cards can be used and distributed after September 30, 2024, but must be liquidated by December 6, 2024, the final day for subrecipients to submit claims on ARP-HCY funds.


Quick Guide for Using ARP-Homeless Children and Youth Funds Easy ways to use ARP-HCY funds

DPI ARP-Homeless Children and Youth Frequently Asked Questions
Reference this FAQ document for information on ARP-HCY topics such as: fiscal and data requirements, consortia, allowability for specific costs, and more. The FAQ was last updated September, 2024.

SchoolHouse Connection Resources: 
Clarifications/FAQ on ARP-HCY, EHCY, and TI-A Funds Information in this document can help districts maximize their remaining ARP-HCY funds, and help to sustain services and programming with EHCY and Title I Part A funds.
Seven Ways to Help Homeless Students Return Back to School with ARP-HCY Funds


The American Rescue Plan Act (ARP), a COVID-19 relief act passed by Congress in 2021, provided Wisconsin with $10,097,813 in funding specifically dedicated to support the identification, enrollment, and school participation of children and youth experiencing homelessness, including through wrap-around services. This funding is referred to as American Rescue Plan - Homeless Children and Youth (ARP-HCY). The funding is split into two tranches - ARP-HCY Part I (25% of the allocation) and Part II (75% of the allocation). 75% of the total allocation is distributed to Wisconsin local education agencies (LEAs). ARP-HCY funds are intended to support the specific and urgent needs of homeless children and youth due to the extraordinary impact of the pandemic on students experiencing homelessness, including academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs due to decreased enrollment in school, interrupted classroom instruction, and challenges navigating services for shelter/housing, clothing and school supplies, food, and child care.

ARP-HCY Part II Formula Grant

In February 2022 DPI distributed $5,680,929 in ARP-HCY Part II funding to LEAs in WISEgrants. Allocations were determined by a formula set forth by the United States Department of Education (USDE) based equally on the proportional share of an LEA's allocation under Title I-A for 2020-21, and the LEA's proportional share of the number of homeless children and youth identified by each LEA relative to all LEAs in the State, using the greater of the certified number of homeless children and youth in either the 2018-19 or 2019-20 school year in each LEA. ARP-HCY Part II grant funds are available from April 23, 2021 to September 30, 2024. Please review the ARP-HCY Part II Grant Guidelines for more information.

Consortium Requirement:
According to the American Rescue Plan Act, an LEA must have a minimum allocation of $5,000 to receive an ARP-HCY Part II subgrant. LEAs with an allocation less than $5,000 were strongly encouraged to apply as part of a consortium to receive a subgrant. Consortia are eligible to receive a subgrant if the total of their combined allocations is at least $5,000. Please refer to this document for information on the responsibilities of consortium leaders and members. The document also contains a sample Memorandum of Understanding. CESAs will also be ARP-HCY consortium leaders. Please follow this link to see contact information for ARP-HCY consortium at each CESA.

Allowable Expenses:
ARP-HCY grant funds may only be used for the 16 activities authorized under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11433(d)). Grant funds must be used in such a manner as to provide services to all identified children and youth experiencing homelessness. Overall, costs must be “reasonable and necessary” and align with the purpose of, and other requirements in, the statute. LEAs also should consider the extraordinary impact of the pandemic on students experiencing homelessness when making decisions about how to use funds. Please click to open this document for more details on allowable costs.

DPI held an informational webinar on the use of ARP-HCY Part II funds on December 15, 2021. Please click here to view the presentation slides and follow this link to view a recording:

Please see the DPI ARP-Homeless Children and Youth Frequently Asked Questions document for more details on allowable costs.
Gift Card Allowability and Procedures - please see this document if an LEA wants to use ARP-HCY funds to purchase gift cards.

ARP-HCY Part I Grant

DPI held a discretionary grant competition for American Rescue Plan Act-Homeless Children and Youth (ARP-HCY) Part I funds in June 2021. DPI distributed $1,892,430 in ARP-HCY Part I funding to 49 LEAs around Wisconsin in August 2021. The intent of the ARP-HCY grant was to distribute funds to LEAs with high numbers of students experiencing homelessness and high needs. Based on the higher number of students experiencing homelessness reported in the 2018-19 or 2019-20 certified data, LEAs with 100 or fewer students were eligible to apply for $30,000 and LEAs with over 100 students were eligible to apply for $50,000. 
In October 2023 DPI distributed an additional $798,825 in ARP-HCY Part I funds to LEAs identified as either having a top percentage of students experiencing homelessness within their district or a top percentage of students experiencing homelessness within the state based on 2021-22 and 2022-23 data. 

Use this link to see a list of ARP-HCY Part I grant recipients from August 2021
Use this link to see a list of ARP-HCY Part I grant recipients including recipients that received discretionary funds in October 2023

Grant Documents

Grant ApplicationGrant Guidelines and Rubric
Certified Data Counts for 2018-19 and 2019-20
Information Session Presentation; Recording: 
Grant Announcement Memo

For questions about this information, contact Clara Pfeiffer (608) 261-6324, Kristine Nadolski (608) 267-7338