For a complete list of all training and connection opportunities offered for the 2024-25 school year, please click here.
DPI New Homeless Liaison Training, October 23, 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Playlist of recordings from October 23 training now available!
DPI held a one-day free virtual training aimed at supporting homeless liaisons who are new to the role. The training was open to all staff, including support staff, administration, and staff directly supporting students experiencing homelessness. The training included 4 sessions: an overview of the McKinney-Vento Act, information on the role of the homeless liaison, a panel of “veteran” homeless liaisons, and in-depth information on determining eligibility.
Training Materials:
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act 101 Presentation
Role of the Homeless Liaison Presentation
Determining Eligibility and Scenario-based Learning Presentation
DPI Training Modules
McKinney-Vento Training Module
DPI has created a training module to support educators and staff who interact with students experiencing homelessness. The module provides in-depth professional development for school staff on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. The module addresses the law’s purpose and requirements, as well as scenarios for participants to test their knowledge. There is a review built into the end of each situation and an option to receive an email notification upon completion of the module.
Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Module
The Unaccompanied Homeless Youth (UHY) module is intended for homeless liaisons and other school staff to gain an understanding of the circumstances UHY experience and the requirements under McKinney-Vento to support these students. The module covers topics such as the difference between unaccompanied youth and unaccompanied homeless youth, how to identify homeless youth, and understanding for which services UHY are eligible. There is a review built into the end of each situation and an option to receive an email notification upon completion of the module. NOTE: Before completing this module, it is recommended that you complete the McKinney-Vento Training Module (above).
A Deeper Dive into McKinney-Vento
DPI has created a training module that goes deeper into the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. The module provides more in-depth professional development for school staff, specifically benefiting homeless liaisons and student services staff in a school district. The module covers topics such as transportation, dispute resolution, understanding doubled up. There is a review built into the end of each situation and an option to receive an email notification upon completion of the module. NOTE: Before completing this module, it is recommended that you complete the McKinney-Vento Training Module (above).
Video: Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness
This short, animated video is recommended for the homeless liaison to share at an all-staff in-service to promote awareness of the issues facing students who are experiencing homelessness and the district’s responsibilities to help meet those needs.
DPI Trainings
* Check out all the presentations and recordings from our EHCY Conferences on this page:
Meeting the Needs of Students Experiencing Homelessness with Federal Funds, March 2023
Presentation and Webinar
The Role of the Homeless Liaison, January 2023
Presentation and Webinar
Transporting Students Experiencing Homelessness, November 2022
Presentation and Webinar
Supporting Unaccompanied Homeless Youth, April 2022
Presentation and Webinar; to view procedural documents shared during the webinar, see the EHCY Guidance page under UHY
Guest Presenters from School District of Marshfield and Milwaukee Public Schools
Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) conversation and information, March 2022.
Information on the YHDP, a $7 million HUD-funded grant. See for more information. Presentation
Carrie Poser, Director of WI Balance of State COC
Awarding Partial Credits to Students Students Experiencing Homelessness, February 2022
Presentation, Webinar, Recommendations Document
Guest Presenters from DPI Partial Credits Workgroup
Policies, Procedures and Dispute Resolution relating to Students Experiencing Homelessness, November 2021
Presentation and Webinar
Guest Presenters from Ashwaubenon School District and Racine Unified School District
Identification, Training and Outreach to Students Experiencing Homelessness, September 2021
Presentation and Webinar
Guest Presenters from Madison Metropolitan School District
Title I, Part A Homeless Reservation, May 2021
Presentation and Webinar
Guest Presenters from Appleton Area School District, Barron Area School District, and Kenosha Unified School District
Wisconsin Technical College System and School District Partnerships, February 2021
Presentation and Webinar
Guest Presenters: Walter Lanier (MATC), Regina Rudoi (NWTC), Green Bay Area Public School District
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and Students Experiencing Homelessness, January 2021
Presentation and Webinar
Guest Presenter: Patricia Julianelle, SchoolHouse Connection
Continuum of Care and School District Partnerships, December 2020
Presentation and Webinar
Guest Presenters: Torrie Kopp Mueller, Jani Koester, Dani Claesges, Carrie Poser, and Kelly Christianson
Anti-Human Trafficking and Students Experiencing Homelessness, February 2020
DPI Presentation, UMOS Presentation, and Webinar
Guest Presenters: DPI School Social Work Consultant, UMOS Anti-Human Trafficking Coordinator
- Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District Transition Program Video Addressing Homeless Children and Youth. This 15 minute video includes interviews with students and parents/guardians who are experiencing homelessness. The video sheds light on the unique experiences of these individuals and is a resource that promotes awareness of the barriers to participation and achievement in school and the effects on homeless children and youth.
- McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Requirements and Guiding Questions
Outlines requirements under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, and provides guiding questions to assist LEAs in ensuring they are in compliance with the law. - Sample Questions to Ask the Students or Parents for Information Gathering
The following questions are designed to assist in gathering information from families or youth to determine the extent to which their living arrangement is fixed, regular, and adequate. - SPENT
Interactive poverty simulation. SPENT was launched as a collaboration between McKinney and Urban Ministries of Durham. - National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) Online Training
- National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) Homeless Liaison Toolkit
The most comprehensive resource for local liaisons for homeless children and youth.