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2020 Census Resources for Educators and Students

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

As the official 2020 United States Census gets underway, The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction wants to remind educators and education stakeholders school resources are available for the classroom.

The United States Census Bureau website breaks down census information and data for myriad audiences, including students and educators. One of the major resources available is called Statistics in Schools, which provides teacher-designed materials at all grade levels and subjects, including math, English, history, geography, and social studies, to ensure all students are counted in the 2020 Census.

Other interesting resources include data access tools for exploring topics such as housing, population, race, and geographic location; historical documents and images dating as far back as 1790 when the first census took place; and maps that help visualize the changing population over time.

Educators can also access the State Facts for Students page to narrow down information specific to Wisconsin.

Learning about the census is important: its effects in Wisconsin can adjust things like federal funding and even congressional representation. For more information, visit the United States Census Bureau website.