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DPI-ConnectEd Stories

A Quick How-to: Checking In With Teens About Their Mental Health
It’s difficult for us to think about our kids struggling — especially when we may be struggling ourselves. However, it’s important for us to know tha...

Deck the Halls with Badgers and Violets!
Third graders from Mrs. Andrea Dunmore's class from Jackson Elementary in Janesville, Wisconsin
Each year, a class from one school in each state...

A Brighter Future, Whatever It Takes
An editorial on special education funding by State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underly
I’d like to tell you a story, or rather a few stories. We’ll star...

New PBS KIDS Workshop Series Is Perfect for Summer Library Programs
For many libraries around the state, summer program plans are already underway. PBS Wisconsin Education is excited to share a new workshop series fro...

Wisconsin Joins the Launch Years Math Initiative
The Launch Years Initiative supports the scaling of mathematics pathways from high school through postsecondary education and into the workplace, ali...

Wisconsin 21st CCLC Grant Applications Available!
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) is pleased to announce that applications for Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Cente...

DPI Publishes Statewide Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data
Data shows Wisconsin students face significant mental health and emotional challenges
Statewide data published today by the Wisconsin Department of...

Counselor Inspires Display of Wisconsin’s 12 Indigenous Nations Flags
Flags representing Wisconsin's 12 indigenous nations are now on permanent display in the Verona Area High School.
Students who enter Verona Area...

Ideas and Resources to Celebrate Computer Science Week This December
December is a great time for school districts to engage with and explore computer science opportunities with the celebration of Computer Science Educ...

Teaching Thanksgiving With Accuracy and Authenticity
Kris McDaniel and David O’Connor have worked together at DPI for over 10 years to assist educators across the state in implementing quality social st...
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