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Computer Science Ed Week Gains STEAM
Computer Science (CS) Education week was first celebrated in 2009 during the week of Grace Hopper’s birthday (December 9, 1906). Hopper invented the...

New Biographies and Webinars From PBS Wisconsin Education
"Geshe Lhundub Sopa: Carrying Teachings from Tibet" tells the story of a renowned Buddhist Philosophy Scholar and UW Professor.
PBS Wisconsin...

Feeding Our Roots and Growing Our Branches To Serve Wisconsin's Kids
These remarks were delivered by Dr. Jill Underly, State Superintendent for Public Instruction, at the Wisconsin State Education Convention on Jan. 18...

Summer Food Service Program Seeking Sponsors To Provide Healthy Meals to Children
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction announced Jan. 24 it is seeking sponsors to provide meals to children living in economically disadvant...

CTE Month: A Cause for Celebration!
Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers and Wisconsin State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underly have proclaimed February as Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month!...

With Awe for School Counselors, the School Counseling Profession, and the Students They Serve
Awe is in the eyes of the beholder -- a dazzling golden sunset, an intricately decorated wedding cake, a dew dropped fern on a forest path, ice spray...

Black History Is Wisconsin History
February is Black History Month, and a great opportunity to discover new stories to weave into the bright and varied tapestry of our knowledge base...

Resources for International Holocaust Remembrance Day
January 27th of every year is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp...

Save the Date for the 2023 Wisconsin Precollege Fair!
Wisconsin Educational Opportunity Programs (WEOP) and the Marquette University Educational Opportunity Program are excited to announce our collaborat...

Students Grow With Hydroponic Gardening Project
Eagle Pathways 18-21 year old program at Jefferson High School has been hard at work tending to a new addition: the Fork Farms Hydroponic Growing Cen...
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