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DPI-ConnectEd Stories

Education news: success stories from Wisconsin schools, DPI updates, student opportunities, and more.
Justice balance

The DPI Releases Civics and Social Studies Scope and Sequence

Nonpartisan curriculum resource supports student excellence in civic literacy and civic engagement Building off State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underl...
School library

Mythbusters: School Libraries Edition

Today’s school library is not your library of the past. You know the old stereotype: a librarian with metal-rimmed glasses shushes everyone in the li...
hands holding heart

Processing Traumatic Events and Grief

We know educators and family members, along all of us at the Wisconsin Department of Puiblic Instruction, have been grappling with how to process the...
thumb tack

Bulletin Board 10/24/2023

Welcome to the ConnectEd Bulletin Board! This is the place to find opportunities for further professional development, grant and awards opportuniti...
award envelope with star

Brookfield East High School Principal Named 2024 National Principal of the Year

Brookfield East High School Principal Andrew Farley is the recipient of the 2023 United States Department of Education 2023 Terrel H. Bell Award for...
Globe with thermometer

New Wisconsin Climate Education Hub Provides Free Resources for Teachers

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Milwaukee Public Schools, and other Wisconsin-based climate and educational organizations partner wit...
thumb tack

Bulletin Board 10/10/2023

Welcome to the ConnectEd Bulletin Board! This is the place to find opportunities for further professional development, grant and awards opportuniti...
paint brush, camera, musical note, and theatrical mask

Schools To Celebrate 50th Anniversary of Wisconsin Arts Board

The Wisconsin Schools Celebrate the Wisconsin Arts Board’s 50th Anniversary project will help teachers and students find their voices and join voices...
quill pen and ink bottle

Poem About Creativity Moves Us Forward

Wisconsin Schools Celebrate The Wisconsin Arts Board's 50th Anniversary Project Dasha Kelly Hamilton’s poem, “Like the Wind,” opens our window to thi...
musical symbols

Poetry Swells Through Music, Voices, and Instruments

Wisconsin Schools Celebrate The Wisconsin Arts Board's 50th Anniversary Project Composer Erika Svanoe Collaborated with Poet Dasha Kelly Hamilton to C...