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Apply for Principal Preparation Master's Degree Program by April 1

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The application period for The Wisconsin Idea Principal Preparation (WIPP) master’s degree program is open through Friday, April 1, 2022.

The program, which can be completed within 15 months, gives educators wanting to earn the credentials to pursue a principal license an opportunity to learn with and from peers and leading scholars. The WIPP engages in application-based coursework that builds on each lesson and provides a chance to apply knowledge to real-world situations. Educators in the program learn how to lead and build a cycle of equity-focused, continuous improvement that can empower staff across a school to bring lasting change.

The master’s program was previously offered in person, but has moved to an online format. The WIPP cohorts begin each summer, with students taking three courses for nine credits. In fall and spring semesters, participants meet online five weekends each semester, and the program wraps up with a summer term of two courses for six credits.

To apply for the program, visit the University of Wisconsin’s School of Education Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis webpage here and fill out an application by April 1.