A message from Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Communications Director Abigail Swetz:
This Friday, March 31, is International Transgender Day of Visibility, and I want to lift up a bit of trans beauty.
A student gave me this painting during my last year of teaching. He had socially transitioned during the year he was in my classroom, and he loved learning about nature, specifically about metamorphosis. Today, I’d like to share his art with you as a reminder that change can be hard but is ultimately worth it, and that self-care is key. I also want to celebrate my trans student who gave me this beautiful reminder to “be the soup,” and whose courage continues to inspire me.
As his artwork says, “When a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, there is a moment in the transition when the caterpillar must let go of its form in order to reform into a butterfly. Inside the cocoon, the body dissolves into a kind of soup. It’s not the loveliest part of the process, but without it there can be no progress. When you feel like everything is falling apart, remember the caterpillar, and be willing to Be the Soup.”
I hope you take a moment to engage with this reminder that metamorphosis can be messy, and that there is beauty and joy to be found within.