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Books and Blankets: Summer Library Programming is Here

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

This summer, the George Culver Community Public Library in Sauk City, Wisconsin is hosting Books and Blankets, an outdoor storytime for families with children ages five and younger. Youth Services Librarian Becky Powers leads the program, donning a headset microphone and sitting on the bench her son, an Eagle Scout built for such a purpose.

Becky Powers reading children's book
Becky Powers reading Up, Down, and Around by author Katherine Ayres and illustrator Nadine Bernard Westcott

Families registered for the program spread out on the grass with blankets, snacks, and wiggles, eager to check out the contents of the book boxes, which include the books Becky reads out loud and a bag with materials to plant a bean seed and observe it growing. The library is hosting two summer sessions of Books and Blankets to accommodate families who want to join at the new library location.

one family following along with children's book
One family following along with their own copy of the book.

Powers noted with more known about COVID-19 this summer, hosting the outdoor storytime is a way to continue the favorite practice while allowing for social distancing and taking advantage of the warm weather. “I like having all the ages together,” Powers said. “I think it’s important for families to see each other and get to know each other in the community.”

another family following along with the book
Another family following along as Becky Powers reads Sun Flower Lion, by Kevin Henkes

The George Culver Community Library joins other public libraries in the state and the nation to host many other programs, including outdoor and drop-in programs under the “Tails and Tales” Collaborative Summer Library Program national theme.

For more information on youth services and public library partnerships, visit the Wisconsin DPI Youth Services web page.