Welcome to the ConnectEd Bulletin Board!
This is the place to find opportunities for further professional development, grant and awards opportunities, and much more!
- Complete the Wisconsin Literacy Needs Assessment Today!
- May 21, 2024 - Spring Demographic Snapshot Support
- Teaching Personal Financial Literacy Summer Camp
- Young Scholars Applications Due May 9
- Teaching & Learning Summer Institute: “Transforming Systems for Innovation"
- Call for Student Art
- Wisconsin Creativity Summit Online August 7
- News from Around the State
Complete the Wisconsin Literacy Needs Assessment Today!
As valued educational partners, your input is important to us. The survey was developed in collaboration with the Wisconsin State Superintendent’s Reading Advisory Council and aims to inform the development of Wisconsin’s first comprehensive statewide literacy plan.
The survey has been designed to seek feedback from a diverse range of educational partners, including administrators, educators, parents/caregivers, K-12 students, community members, and literacy professors. The survey begins with demographic questions followed by 5-10 survey questions to gather insights on how we can continue to advance literacy in Wisconsin. All responses are anonymous. The survey will close on Friday, May 24, 2024.
May 21, 2024 - Spring Demographic Snapshot Support
While significantly smaller in data captured compared to the December snapshot, it’s still important to ensure your enrollments and demographic data are submitted and accurate by the 9 a.m. cutoff on May 21. Be sure to review your economically disadvantaged status data in addition to student demographics. If your student information system requires it, lock individualized education programs. To assist you with the snapshot, the Customer Services team will be coming to an area near you for a round of regional meetings. We will cover spring snapshot preparation, year-end wrap-up best practices, and troubleshooting with the afternoon dedicated to one-on-one support. Register now to save your seat for the location nearest you.
If you are unable to attend an in-person session, join our virtual option to receive the same great content. Choice schools may choose to attend the snapshot prep training. No matter the question, we are here to help. Please submit a Help Ticket. We hope to connect with you soon!
Teaching Personal Financial Literacy Summer Camp
Wisconsin’s Act 60 will require students to earn a half-credit of personal financial literacy (PFL) to graduate. Teachers who have never taught PFL may need professional development. Luckily, Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) is offering their two-day FinCamp 2024, June 24-25, to address Act 60, the Wisconsin Standards for PFL, curriculum, and much more.
Hosted by NGPF in collaboration with Jump$tart Coalition and the Department of Public Instruction, the workshop is free. Plus, FinCamp offers free meals and a free one-night stay at Edgewood College.
Teachers holding licenses to teach social studies, family and consumer sciences, or business and information technology are qualified to teach because of the connection between their standards.
Young Scholars Applications Due May 9
The Jack Kent Cooke Young Scholars Program is a selective five-year, pre-college scholarship, open to high-performing 7th grade students with some financial need. It provides comprehensive academic and college advising, as well as financial support for high school. There are Cooke-sponsored summer programs, internships, music/art lessons, support for the purchase of electronic hardware and software needs, camps,and other learning enrichment opportunities that are specific to the student. For more information, contact the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation website or email Tammie Stewart.
Teaching & Learning Summer Institute: “Transforming Systems for Innovation"
A three-day retreat for school teams on innovation and growing hope.
When: July 15–18, 2024
Where: Lowenwood, Land O'Lakes (contract pending)
Who: School teams of between 4–6 people, including (but not limited to) administrators, educators, and instructional leaders, will engage in hands-on activities, sessions, discussions, and networking to discover and develop pathways to innovate. Continuous support for implementation will be provided throughout the 2024-25 school year via online sessions.
What: Through hands-on experiences, concurrent sessions, small-group discussion, networking, and reflection, school teams can joyfully explore ways to create their own pathways to hope. Participants will also receive implementation support throughout the 2024-25 school year through online sessions.
Topics include:
- Alternatives to Traditional Grading
- Culturally Relevant Instruction
- Flexibility within the Law
- Growing Hope
- Personalized, Competency-based learning
- and more…
Registration includes food and lodging. Limited to 60 participants. Registration priority will be given to school teams of between 4–6 people. Please complete the application on the bottom of this page. Download the application PDF to preview questions (For planning only. Applications must be submitted through the online form.)
Call for Student Art
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction is proud to announce a new project that will annually collect high quality digital images of student artwork from across the state. The images will be printed, framed, and hung in the new home for DPI in the Tommy G. Thompson Center near the capitol building in Madison for one year beginning the summer of 2024. In addition, the artwork will also be displayed on the Arts & Creativity page of the DPI Website.
Quick Overview:
- Entries are open to all K-12 aged students in Wisconsin.
- Each Wisconsin art educator can submit up to 5 works of art from their school’s current work.
- Submission of the student art is done 100% digitally via the project Google Form.
- To be considered for this year, artwork and accompanying information must be submitted no later than May 15, 2024.
- View Project Details and the Submission Form here
Wisconsin Creativity Summit Online August 7
Join the DPI for a fantastic day learning from nationally renown experts on creativity and education. Collaborate with others from across the state and nation focusing on practical ways to nurture creativity in classrooms, schools, libraries, and communities. Be inspired by an administrator and educators from a Wisconsin school that is recognized as a leader in cultivating creativity with their students. Take part in an opportunity to create a video sharing your story about the impact that creativity has had on your life and the importance of creativity moving forward.
Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024 from 8:45 am - 4:00 pm
Free, Online via Zoom
Audience: Educators, Administrators, School Board Members, Community Leaders, Artists
- 4 Keynote Speakers - Ted Talk Style (20 minutes) followed by connected break out sessions with participant interaction (40 minutes)
- Wisconsin School spotlighted for its work developing and cultivating creativity
- Keynote Panel Discussion and Q & A
- Optional opportunity for participants to create brief video testimonial sharing the impact creativity has had on their life and the importance of creativity to our future.
Guest Speakers
Dr. Peter Gamwell, Administrator, Educator, Speaker, and Author of "The Wonder Wall"
Dr. S. Renee Mitchell, Creative Revolutionist, Pulitzer Prize nominee, IAmM.O.R.E visionary
Dr. Sarah Cunningham, Rhode Island School of Design Vice Provost for Strategic Partnerships
James Wells, Award-Winning Innovative Teaching and Learning Manager for Crayola
James Murray, Waukesha STEM Academy Principal, 2017 AWSA Principal of the Year
Gov. Evers Celebrates National Teacher Appreciation Week via Wis Politics
Gov. Tony Evers shared a video message with Wisconsinites celebrating National Teacher Appreciation Week, in addition to proclaiming May 6 through May 10, 2024, as Teacher Appreciation Week in the state of Wisconsin.
Wisconsin School for the Blind and Visually Impaired hosts first-ever college and career fair via Gazette Extra
Students from the school and from other high schools across the state could ask questions about jobs and college options, and seek out resources. More than 20 Rock County-area and state organizations participated, with booths filling a large room at the school.
Last Year’s Wisconsin Teacher of the Year travels to Washington, D.C. via Spectrum News 1
Brian Michael Collins was honored in Washington this week as Wisconsin’s 2024 teacher of the year. “I enjoy bringing science ideas together in a way that connects them to the planet and connects them to each other,” Collins said.
Brown Deer student represents state as '2024 Youth of the Year' via TMJ4 - Milwaukee
An outstanding Brown Deer High School senior is representing the state of Wisconsin as the 2024 "Youth of the Year."
Appleton schools ahead of the curve teaching Hmong American history in middle school via Appleton Post-Crescent
A bipartisan bill requiring Wisconsin public schools to teach Hmong American and Asian American history was signed into law April 4. However, schools at the local level have been including this instruction for years.