Project will include significant community engagement to help shape the DPI’s priorities
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction recently launched the external focus of its strategic planning process with a goal of engaging Wisconsin residents in providing feedback on the department’s mission, vision, values, and priorities. The strategic plan will assist the DPI in its efforts to uphold the responsibilities of the agency. It will also enable the DPI to track progress of goals aligned to its vision and mission.
“I firmly believe that the people most impacted by a policy should play a part in crafting it, and that is why we are reaching out to communities across Wisconsin,” State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underly said. “Every person who lives in this state is impacted by our public schools, and I look forward to hearing from our education partners, the residents of our school districts, community and business leaders, and even our students, all of whom have important perspectives to learn from when it comes to shaping the work of our department.”
The DPI’s work on the strategic planning process started internally in March 2023 and has an anticipated ending of August 2024. The process is broken out into three phases: gathering internal and external feedback to shape the department’s vision, mission, values, and priorities (March 2023 to January 2024); refining elements from the first phase through data analysis that will inform priority areas (January 2024 to May 2024); and identifying specific strategies, initiatives, and programs to be implemented to help the department achieve its established goals (May 2024 to August 2024).
During the 2023-24 school year and beyond, DPI staff will host public listening sessions, invite education partners and community members to roundtables, attend community events, and complete surveys. Once data has been collected, staff will analyze the information and utilize it to inform priority areas, goals, and measurements of progress. The DPI is committed to transparency and inclusivity as it develops a comprehensive strategic plan rooted in equity.
For more information about the strategic planning process, visit the Strategic Planning section of the DPI's website.