Welcome to Extra Credit, our newest ConnectEd recurring feature! In each issue, we’ll spotlight training resources to help you stay centered in your practice and help you dream big and develop new skills.
LGBTQ+ Student Support Module Series Modules
Module 1: Basic Concepts
This module will focus on big concepts and some vocabulary, but mostly concepts. These are basic building blocks to understanding LGBTQ+ students and their identities. This module will also cover how to ask questions when you don’t understand the terms and concepts being shared or discussed.
What to Expect
This module addresses concepts such as gender identity, sexual orientation, sex assigned at birth, and gender expression. Basic concepts associated with these topics are addressed in an educator-specific manner. This module takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Module Contents
- Understanding sex assigned at birth, gender, sexual orientation, and gender expression
- What is the gender binary?
- How to use (and not use) the gender snowperson model
- How to address questions and new terms
Module 2: Best Practices
This module will focus on simple proven ways to support LGBTQ+ students. These best practices are based on their presence aligning with better outcomes for students. This module will also include a few approaches to avoid.
Module Contents
- Best practices around pronouns and names
- Working with families
- How to be a trusted adult for LGBTQ+ youth
- Inclusive school practices and facilities
- Resources
What to Expect
This module presents school staff with proven strategies to support LGBTQ+ students, as well as outcomes-based best practices. This module takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.
About the Presenters
Molly Herrmann, (she/her), Wisconsin Department of Public Instructor, Education Consultant
In her role at the Department of Public Instruction, Molly develops materials to assist educators in supporting the health and wellbeing of LGBTQ+ students. Molly responds to questions about LGBTQ+ student policy, best practice, and resources. Molly also pairs LGBTQ+ youth data with their stories to illustrate inequities resulting from stigma and lack of adult and peer support and to encourage supportive practices.
Brian Juchems, (he, him) GSAFE, Senior Director of Education and Policy
In his role at GSAFE, Brian provides professional development for K-12 educators and staff across Wisconsin, and he regularly serves as a sounding board and consultant for district leaders in developing and implementing policies and best practices that can help LGBTQ+ youth feel safe and affirmed in our schools. A frequent collaborator with Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instructor, Brian J remains a sought after trainer and consultant for Wisconsin’s K–12 schools.