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On the Go With State Superintendent Dr. Underly

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

May was abuzz across the state of Wisconsin, and the bees weren't the only ones frenzied with activity.

State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underly was also underway-- visiting schools and libraries, delivering remarks and participating in panels. And of course doing what she loves most-- meeting with students, educators, and parents. Here is just a selection from Dr. Underly's May itinerary. (Recap Dr. Underly's travels to announce the 2025 Teachers of the Year here!)

Dr. Underly views the raised beds in the Montello schools garden
Montello School District was *the* place to be for Wisconsin School Garden Day.


Thank you to the staff and students for showing off their thriving gardens and classrooms thanks to programs funded by a USDA Farm to School grant. Their hard work is paying off!

Dr. Underly poses with students from Burlington High School in front of their building.
Thank you to Burlington Area School District for inviting me to visit!
Dr. Jill Underly poses with educators at Burlington High school. She is smiling and behind the wheel of a fire truck used in their Career and Tech Ed program, while the educators pose around her.
I learned more about the Burlington High School DRIVEN program where students improve their school and community, and met so many bright staff and students.
Dr. Underly sits on a rug with elementary school students who are doing a literacy exercise led by their teacher.
Thank you to the students and staff at Wadewitz Elementary in Racine!

It was exciting to see the ways Racine Unified Schools is focusing on early literacy and delivering high-quality reading for all learners.

Dr. Underly talks with two young boys about the food that they have prepared
Snack Hack at Milwaukee Public Library was a huge hit!
Two young women serve Dr. Underly food that they prepared, including from-scratch mac and cheese.
Kids get to explore the world of food through cooking demonstrations focusing on nutrition, food groups, and cooking principles and yesterday's lessons were about soul food.

The best part? Eating everything you just learned! Hopefully students will take what they've learned into a summer full of outdoor time, learning more about their passions, and of course, preparing and eating great food!