(Photo credit: Andy Manis)
Attendees of this past summer’s Play Make Learn 2023 Conference are returning to the new school year full of new ideas. The conference, sponsored by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and hosted annually since 2017, brings together professionals from diverse backgrounds: educators, researchers, developers, designers, foundation leaders, policy makers, museum, and library professionals. The goal is to discuss and collaborate around high-quality learning presentations and workshops, cutting-edge learning/literacy science, innovative technologies, and more.

(Photo credit: Andy Manis)
Workshops ranged from fresh perspectives on playful learning, games for learning and positive social impact, making and makerspaces, STEAM education, arts integration in formal and informal spaces, to research/practitioner partnerships, among many others. This year, attendees also heard from luminary keynote speakers, and took part in some amazing conference activities – the Play Make Learn Arcade, Poster Sessions, the conference-wide “PML Card Swap Game”, a pre-conference reception at the Madison Children’s Museum, Dungeons & Dragons introductory one-shot adventures, and more!

(Photo credit: Andy Manis)
Dr. Kishonna Gray delivered the first day’s keynote speech. She is an associate professor of writing, rhetoric, & digital studies and Africana studies at the University of Kentucky and faculty associate at the Berkman-Klein Center at Harvard University. Dr. Gray explored deep issues of equity, access, and representation as it relates to gaming studies and commercial gaming, issuing a call to action to participants to recognize how these inequities impact educational opportunities – especially for marginalized people. Dr. Gray’s presentation was a keen reminder of why Play Make Learn continues to grow each year: attending is an incredible opportunity to enhance educational quality and equity – for every community.

(Photo credit: Andy Manis)
Dr. Margaret Huettl, director of the Indigenous Studies Certificate at UW-Oshkosh, delivered the day two keynote. Dr. Huettl spoke about her experience working as a consultant to update the classic video game Oregon Trail in 2021. She discussed the process, exploring what it was like to work with designers to eliminate harmful stereotypes seen in the original, while offering more robust, grounded, and authentic Native experiences to players of the updated game.

(Photo Credit: Andy Manis)
The DPI has been a long-term supporter of the Play Make Learn Conference. This year, in addition financial support, Chris Baker, public library consultant, Institute of Museum and Library Services, Library Services team member served on the Conference Organizing Committee, emceed the conference, presented on a panel, and was a lead judge for the annual GEE! Learning Game Awards. Ben Miller, Director of the Library Services team, offered remarks on behalf of the DPI during the first day’s plenary session, and helped moderate a library panel presentation. The DPI’s continued support of the conference helps emphasize the agency’s mission of educational innovation.

(Photo credit: Andy Manis)
Save the Date for next year’s conference: July 18-19, 2024. Play Make Learn is an incredibly unique opportunity, representative of remarkable collaboration between different parties – from educators to government employees – with a vision of enhancing educational opportunities and equity for all. Spread the word! Let’s bring even more playful learning innovators to Madison from across the country next year!