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Teacher Appreciation Week a Chance to Make Change

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Valuing Teachers Requires Investment
This week, State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underly wrote an impassioned guest editorial: "Appreciation is not enough; Action is required." In it, she exhorted Wisconsin lawmakers to listen to students, who know their teachers deserve accolades, but also pay raises. "...these future leaders asked me how the state budget could address teacher turnover, teacher workload, teacher mental health, a substitute teacher shortage, and student teacher retention. And every single time, they advocated for a solution: increasing teacher pay." Read Dr. Underly's entire editorial on the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction's website.

State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underly presents 2024 Teacher of the Year award to Claudia Heller de Messer
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Jill Underly (left) presents a 2024 Teacher of the Year award to Claudia Heller de Messer, an ELL teacher at Milwaukee's Parkside Elementary school.

2024 Wisconsin Teachers of the Year Announced
Teacher appreciation week has seen the state superintendent on the road, traveling across the state with surprise announcements for 2024 Teachers of the Year. Each TOY recipient is impressive in and of themselves, but also embodies the best of what public education means for Wisconsin. TOYs are passionate teachers and learners. They work together with their school colleagues to make sure that every student gets what they need to grow as a learner and as a human being. They embody the spirit of educators across Wisconsin, and the teachers of the future who may be sitting in their very classrooms.

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