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Dec 08

Program providing fresh produce to Wisconsin students has record number of participants

MADISON — The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction today announced a grant program that increases access to fresh produce in schools has the...
Dec 06

State superintendent statement on ESSER III plan approval by USDE

State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underly issued the following statement today in response to the U.S. Department of Education approving Wisconsin’s...
Nov 24

Department will hold public hearing on proposed rules related to calculation of aid under the achievement gap reduction program

MADISON — The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction will hold a preliminary public hearing and comment period to consider promulgation of...
Nov 24

Department will hold public hearing on proposed rules related to educator licenses

MADISON — The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction will hold preliminary public hearing and comment period to consider promulgation of...
Nov 16

DPI publishes public and choice school and district report cards for the 2020-21 school year

MADISON — The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction today published public and choice school and district report cards for the 2020-21 school...
Nov 15

Celebrating Wisconsin's educators

Not all heroes wear capes, but all educators are heroes
Growing up, heroes were superhumans who could fly or bust through the walls of buildings with their special powers. They lived in comic books and on...
Nov 09

Department will hold public hearing on proposed rules related to updates in open enrollment procedures

MADISON — The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction will hold preliminary public hearing and comment period on a proposed permanent rule related...
Oct 28

The riches of reading

We can improve children’s literacy through authentic family engagement, not increased assessment
To create students who stay curious and inquisitive throughout their lives – active participants in democracy, critical consumers of information,...
Oct 25

Department will hold public hearing on proposed rules related to educator preparation program and licensing flexibilities

MADISON — The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction will hold preliminary public hearing and comment period on a proposed permanent rule related...
Oct 20

Wisconsin Student Assessment System results released

MADISON — The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction today released results of the Wisconsin Student Assessment System (WSAS) exams given to...