OPAL Procedures
- Entering School Assignments Into OPAL
- Processing Open Enrollment Exceptions
- Withdrawing students in OPAL
- Authorizing users for OPAL, HOMER, and TOS (Dist Admin only)
For a step-by-step tutorial of withdrawing students in OPAL or authorizing users for OPAL, HOMER and TOS, watch our videos below.
Withdrawing Students in OPAL Authorizing Users for OPAL,
Approval/Denial Letters
Using Word Templates and OPAL Exports to Create Approval and Denial Letters
For a step-by-step tutorial of creating approval and denial letters, watch our videos below.
Preparing Nonresident Approval Preparing Nonresident District
& School Assignment Letters Denial Letters
Using OPAL – 2013-14 (Power Point Presentation)
Contact Us: Email: openenrollment@dpi.wi.gov or call toll-free: 888-245-2732