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Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) Program Forms and Reports


Forms and Reports

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Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) Five-Year Achievement Gap Reduction Contract Application.

  • Example AGR Contract - Schools eligible to participate in the AGR program will be sent an email on how to apply for an AGR five-year contract during their renewal year in March.  Contract renewals must be received by the end of June of a schools renewal year.
  • Achievement Gap Reduction Program (AGR) Program Strategy Resource Guide is available to assist AGR schools. The information provided is intended to connect schools with resources that may strengthen schools’ implementation of the AGR program.

AGR Performance Objectives and School Board Reporting Template — due to the school board upon the conclusion of each semester during the regular school year.

  • AGR Performance Objectives and School Board Reporting Template - AGR schools are required to report to the school board at the end of each semester on the school's success in attaining the performance objectives established in the AGR contract and which AGR strategies the school implemented. AGR schools may make changes to the performance objectives in the five-year AGR contract at any time but are not required to submit those changes to DPI. Schools may use this template to track and edit the performance objectives.
  • The AGR Audit Manual states that districts must be able to produce documentation 1) that the school board has provided a description of the performance objectives for academic achievement and the formative and summative assessments that will be used to evaluate success in attaining those objectives and 2) that the school board reviewed the progress made on growth objectives at the end of each semester during the fiscal year. Consider this when determining how your district reports this information to the school board.
  • Requirements for the school board report at the end of every semester:
    • School board reports only need to be submitted to DPI if requested.
    • Schools must keep a record that the school board has been provided with a description of the performance objectives for academic achievement, the formative and summative assessments that will be used to evaluate the success in attaining those objectives, and that the school board has reviewed the progress made on growth objectives at the end of each semester.
    • The district and school board must determine whether the report needs to be included as an agenda item at a school board meeting according to district policy. The report can be submitted in regular reports/updates to the school board, in formal reports to the school board, or in other appropriate formats determined by the district.
    • There are no set deadlines for the end-of-semester report to the school board. Schools should report out in a timely fashion following the conclusion of each semester during the regular school year.
    • Schools operating on a trimester schedule must determine an appropriate time to deliver reports to the school board that works with the school and district calendar.

Important 2023-24 Dates

  •  2023-24 AGR Annual Reporting Cycle
  • October 14, 2022 - AGR Enrollment and Strategies Report (third Friday enrollment and low-income pupil count) pulled from WISEdata.  AGR Strategies will be reported through a Qualtrics survey due to DPI.
  • Third Monday in November (November 20, 2023) - First AGR aid payment (1/3) due to schools (based on October ENT form)
  • Third Monday in February (February 19, 2024) - Second AGR aid payment (2/3) due to schools
  • Second Monday in June (June 10, 2024) - Final AGR aid payment (3/3) due to schools
  • June 30 - Achievement Gap Reduction Program contract forms due to DPI (if required) - See more information at the top of this page
  • End of each semester - AGR End-of-Semester School Board Reviews - AGR schools must report to the school board how and which AGR strategies were implemented, the performance objectives that were established at the start of the AGR contract term, and the success in attaining the objectives. 
  • June 30, 2024 - Submission of End-of-Semester School Board Reviews - AGR schools may use the AGR Performance Objectives and School Board Reporting Template.  Both spring and fall timelines should be reported and submitted through the 2023-24 AGR Dropbox Link.
  • Before the last day of the school year - Each AGR school must provide DPI with a brief description of the AGR strategies that the school implemented in each grade, K-3, at any point during the school year

AGR End-of-Year Report and AGR End-of-Year Financial Report are both due August 31, 2024.

  • Submit via Qualtrics Survey. 

AGR 2023-24 End-of-Year Reporting Resources:


2023-24 AGR Aid

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​For the 2023-24 school year, the updated AGR approximate allocation was $2,582.21 per low-income pupil.

A list of participating schools and their updated aid allocation for the 2023-24 school year is available below:

PLEASE NOTE:   Allocations are subject to withholding for school district state aid payments per statutory requirements.

More information is available on the Aid Payment Adjustments webpage.


2015 Wisconsin Acts 53 and 71

WI State Capitol

On July 1, 2015, Governor Walker​ signed 2015 Wisconsin Act 53 into law. On November 11, 2015, 2015 Wisconsin Act 71 amended the law. Acts 53 and 71, Student Achievement Guarantee in Education (SAGE)/Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) law, s.118.43 and s.118.44, Wis. Stats., outlines the transition from SAGE to the AGR program. This transition was fully implemented at the beginning of the 2018-19 school year, with eligible SAGE schools entering into AGR contracts and adhering to AGR program requirements.

Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR)

  • Complete a five-year AGR contract application
  • Plan which AGR strategy/strategies your school will implement to achieve compliance with the new program:
    • one-to-one tutoring provided by a licensed teacher
    • instructional coaching for teachers provided by a licensed teacher
    • maintaining 18:1 or 30:2 classroom ratios and providing professional development on small group instruction
  • Annually report to DPI:
    • class size and low-income student counts
    • description of strategies that the school board plans to implement
    • description of the strategies that the school board did implement
    • end-of-year and financial report
  • Report to the school board at the end of every semester:
    • implementation of required strategies
    • performance objectives
    • progress in closing the achievement gap

State Guidance on the Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) program

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AGR Law - s.118.44, Wisconsin Statutes

AGR and SAGE Administrative Rules (Chapter PI 24)