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Service-Learning: Tools for School Districts

Sample Service-Learning School District Policy: San Diego City School District Board of Education Policy on Service-Learning

The Board of Education desires that all students develop a strong sense of personal and social responsibility. We understand development of this virtue can occur by infusing service learning instructional formats as an integral component of curriculum. Research shows that infusion of these integrated teaching strategies improves critical thinking, communication, and planning skills while enhancing the targeted curricular framework. The District desires that service learning methodology be linked and coordinated with the instructional program. The PARC model, which emphasizes Preparation, Action, Reflection and Celebration, is supported by the District.

The District recognizes that service learning can help students develop skills, career awareness and self-esteem. Service experiences can also motivate students by allowing them to apply their skills and knowledge to local needs and problems and showing them that they can make a contribution to their community, by being part of the solution.

The District supports the integration of service learning activities with the curriculum to enhance the relevance of their instruction and meet standards in all subject areas. These activities provide exhibits that can be used as portfolio entries on which to base the senior exhibitions. We encourage staff to collaborate with local public and nonprofit agencies in order to develop service learning activities that meet educational objectives and also support current community efforts to meet health, educational, environmental or public safety needs. This meets the District's goals of helping to develop youth as contributing citizens and allows the opportunity for youth to be seen as resources in their communities.

Adopted unanimously on May 12, 1998






For questions about this information, contact Victoria Rydberg-Nania (608) 266-0419