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Wisconsin School Performance Report (SPR)


The Wisconsin School Performance Report (SPR) was created in 1991 with the passage of State Statute 115.38. For many years SPR served as the state's annual public school report card, and represented what at the time was the department's most comprehensive resource for data on school performance and student achievement. The School Performance Report law pre-dates the School and School District Accountability Report Card Law, the School and School District Report Cards, as well as the WISEdash Public Portal. These have replaced the SPR reporting requirement. Also the DPI no longer has any federal reporting requirements for topics in the SPR data collection. For these reasons DPI ceased the data collection specifically dedicated to SPR, and primarily utilizes the WISEdata student data collection to fulfill state and federal reporting requirements.

The SPR-related information and links below are provided for historical context. Also included is the text of a notice sent to school districts in May, 2019, informing them that the SPR data collection would no longer be required.



If you are unfamiliar with the SPR, or would like to know more about its history, please read the following:

You may find the SPR Glossary helpful (in MS Word format) (updated May 2004)

Use the District and School Report Cards Home to find detailed information on district and school achievement.

Use WISEdash to find information for particular public schools.



Please use the School Financial Services web site to access the most up-to-date finance data in your work.



Data files for most SPR topics are available from the WISEdash Data Files By Topic page.


*****NOTICE TO SCHOOL DISTRICTS - May 31, 2019*****

After a thorough analysis, starting with the 2017-18 school year, DPI will no longer need districts to complete the School Performance Report (SPR) data collection (habitual truancy, extra- and co-curricular activities, post-graduation intentions, and school-sponsored community activities).

The SPR data collection was a burden on districts and required additional, and often redundant, reporting. A primary goal of WISEdata is to eliminate and streamline data reporting activities wherever possible. Several WISEdata collection and reporting activities afford an opportunity to meet SPR reporting purposes.

· Habitual Truancy: Chronic Absenteeism is used in district and school report cards. The data are collected at the student level and are more useful for analysis and reporting than the summary habitual truancy collection. Habitual Truancy definitions are not standardized across the state due to local absenteeism policies, making district to district comparisons difficult. Absenteeism data are reported in WISEdash for Districts 2.0 under the Early Warning > Absenteeism dashboard. More information can be found at the Absenteeism About the Data page.  In addition, Absenteeism Rate is reported in the WISEdash Public Portal under the Attendance-Dropouts dashboard. More information can be found at the About the Data page.

· Post-graduation Intentions: Postsecondary Enrollment data are licensed statewide by DPI from the National Student Clearinghouse. These data provide a wealth of information, and are a more consistent indicator than a graduate intentions survey since it is actual enrollment data. These data are reported in WISEdash for Districts 2.0 under Topics > Graduation > Postsecondary. More information can be found at the Postsecondary Enrollment About the Data page.

· Activities Data: DPI is completing analysis on a request to add extra- and co-curricular data to WISEdash. Our goal is to use WISEdata to collect these data in the near future, and comes in response to requests from districts around a more comprehensive profile of student activities and outcomes. While this collection moves to an implementation stage, we encourage districts to continue to collect and use the extra- and co-curricular data locally and submit their extra- and co-curricular data to DPI via the reports available from your local student information system (SIS). Reports can be submitted to .

The School Performance Report Law was established in 1991 and pre-dates the School and School District Accountability Report Card Law. The School and School District Report Cards, as well as the WISEdash Public Portal, have replaced the SPR law reporting requirement. As it relates to federal reporting requirements, DPI no longer has any federal reporting requirements for any topics remaining in the SPR data collection.

DPI hopes districts find the retirement of the SPR data collection a welcome change and time savings. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have by opening a help ticket--



information updated 4/10/2020


For questions about this information, please open a help ticket.