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Strategic Plan Timeline

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has designed the Strategic Planning process in three phases beginning in March 2023 and ending in September 2024.

Phase 1

Internal and External feedback to shape vision, mission, values and priorities.

This phase, taking place between March 2023 and January 2024, is to gather input from a wide range of internal and external stakeholders. A variety of engagement methods will help shape our priorities and enablers and bond those priorities with the mission, vision and values of the agency. We will engage in survey research, roundtables with focused groups, community engagement sessions around the state and shadowing sessions in our public schools and libraries.

March 2023 - January 2024

Phase 2

Refine elements from Phase 1, ongoing community events, goals and metrics.

Between February 2024 and May 2024, DPI will analyze and refine the data collected in Phase 1. This data will inform the priority areas, facilitators and the goals and measurements of progress. Throughout Phase 2, DPI will continue to engage with stakeholders through school visits and community engagement sessions. DPI is committed to reporting out the results of our engagement strategies.

January 2024 - May 2024

Phase 3

Identify strategies, initiatives, and programs to achieve the goals.

Building off of the priorities, facilitators, goals and measurements of progress, DPI will identify strategies and initiatives that will assist DPI in achieving our goals. Stakeholder engagement will continue in Phase 3 in the form of roundtables, discussions with experts in the field of education and research. A complete document outlining the 2023-2029 Strategic Plan for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction will be released in September 2024.

June 2024 - September 2024

Contact the Strategic Planning Team