Wisconsin Acts (prior sessions)
Legislative Fiscal Bureau Informational Papers
School District and Legislative Boundaries
Current Session: 2023-2024
The Policy, Budget, and Research (PBR) team reviews and monitors key legislation affecting K-12 schools, school and public libraries, and the department's operations. An overview of all education and library related bills introduced in the 2023-2024 session will be available on this web page beginning February 7, 2023, and will be updated regularly. The spreadsheet will contains links to the bills, fiscal estimates prepared by the department for bills (as they become available), the department's position on bills, and related acts and act summaries, when legislation is signed into law.
The PBR team works closely with the department's Legislative Liaison in monitoring legislation. The Legislative Liaison can answer legislative questions or concerns. Legislative inquiries should be directed to Legis.Inquiry@dpi.wi.gov.
*NEW* Memo to School District Administrators - Enacted Legislation Impacting K-12 Schools, 2023-24 Session (May 9,2024)
*NEW* All enacted legislation in the 2023-24 session: 2023 Acts
Additional information on the current legislative session and links to bills can be found here: 2023-2024 Wisconsin Legislature Documents.
View hearing schedules for legislative committees (interactive calendar allows user to search by committee, date, topic).
View the full 2023-24 session calendar.
Information on the 2023-25 state biennial budget can be found here: 2023-25 Biennial Budget | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. (Note that the Governor's 2023-25 state biennial budget proposal will be introduced on February 15, 2023).
Summary of Wisconsin Acts by Legislative Council (Prior Legislative Sessions)
The full text of all acts and any related veto messages can also be found on the State Legislature's website:
For current session, see 2023-2024 Wisconsin Legislature Documents
For prior sessions, see Wisconsin Legislative Session Archive
Legislative Fiscal Bureau 2023 Informational Papers
The background papers below are provided as additional information on key topics. The complete list of the most recent Legislative Fiscal Bureau (LFB) papers is available at: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/misc/lfb/informational_papers/january_2023
- School District Revenue Limits and Referenda (Informational Paper 27)
- State Aid to School Districts (Informational Paper 28)
- Federal Coronavirus Aid for K-12 Schools (Informational Paper 29)
- Private School Choice and Special Needs Scholarship Programs (Informational Paper 30)
- Open Enrollment Program (Informational Paper 31)
- Charter Schools (Informational Paper 32)
- Statutory Requirements for School Districts (Informational Paper 33)
- School District Reorganization (Informational Paper 34)
- State and Local Government Revenue and Expenditure Rankings (Informational Paper 77) .
LFB informational papers from prior legislative sessions are available here: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/misc/lfb/informational_papers
School District and Legislative Boundaries
- Interactive map: Wisconsin school districts by legislative district
- Schools and Districts by Assembly, Senate, and Congressional District (Excel file). (January 30, 2023: update coming soon)
Federal Legislation
- American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
- Joint Committee on Finance Motion #57 - DPI Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund III Plan
- US Department of Education Letter to State Superintendent Stanford Taylor Regarding Maintenance of Effort
- Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
- Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA)
- Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER II)
- Governor's Education Emergency Relief Fund (GEERII)
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- Elementary and Secondary Education Act
- Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act
Information about the content of this webpage can be directed to Erin Fath, PBR Team Director.